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Another Metamorphosis

Cities & Towns > Rare U.S. Coins Found in Hackney (London)

Rare U.S. Coins Found in Hackney (London)

Rare US gold coins found buried in London garden

A treasure trove of 80 rare US gold 'Double Eagle' coins has been found buried in a garden in Hackney, east London.

A haul of 80 gold American 'Double Eagle' coins have been found in a garden in Hackney A haul of 80 gold American 'Double Eagle' coins have been found in a garden in Hackney

The rare ‘Double Eagle’ $20 pieces, dating from 1854 to 1913, may be worth a six-figure sum.
The coins, minted mostly in San Francisco and Philadelphia, are so large that each one weighs 33 grams.
They were uncovered by two residents, who hit on the find while gardening with friends in Hackney, east London.
Dr Roger Bland, of the British Museum, said: ‘It’s a unique discovery. Nothing like this has been found before.’
The original owner has until next spring to come forward and claim the gold coins. The finders and the location of the find is not being released in an attempt to discourage false claims.
If the coins are declared as treasure, they will become Crown property before being valued. Hackney Museum is understood to be interested in purchasing the coins, and the money paid would be split between the land owner and the finders.

posted on Oct 19, 2010 8:37 AM ()


It sounds to me as if some southern gentlemen fore seeing the Civil War
might have deposited the gold coins in his own unique bank.
comment by elderjane on Oct 21, 2010 5:51 AM ()
It is so 'odd' though, don't you think? I'd love to know the story behind these coins being buried there. Someone, somewhere, must have some inkling abut the origin . . .
reply by febreze on Oct 23, 2010 4:58 PM ()
Oh my goodness. I forwarded this to Mr. Tbend because he collects coins. How exciting. I think I'd rather have these than some Roman coins, but either one would be exciting to find.
comment by troutbend on Oct 19, 2010 3:35 PM ()
Rack your brains - did either you or Mr Tbend, have a grandfather/g.mother/ aunt or uncle, who came over to London (Hackney) during the 2 wars and mentioned to you that he had buried any coins??? You never know! When you think about it - 'someone' did. Strange - perhaps he was lodging in Hackney whilst serving, buried them for fear of someone stealing them, 'presumably' died or was wounded and shipped back home again . . . but 'why', take the coins to, England in the first place?????? It's a puzzle
reply by febreze on Oct 20, 2010 9:27 AM ()

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