I watched the programme I mentioned to you earlier this evening. Yes, it was from te tme of Gilbert de Clare - he must hve been one of the Welsh 'Marcher Lords' from the time just after the Norman Invasion.
The de Clares had vast estates in 'Suffolk' (I think, they said Suffolk) - I will check. However, they also had vast estates in Wales (we knew that), but they had the same in Ireland too!
I want to find outmore about a daughter of Edward the First.
I will start to compile what I've got (as I told you recently) and post it.
I have tried to find a way for you to see this episode, butas luck would have it, 'this' episode hasn't been 'videoed'! So, I have found a 'link' for you to 'copy and paste' - tey do, hae some photos (not many) but tey are better than nothing.
I am also going to check with 'CADW' - this is the Welsh equivalent of 'British Heritage', as Tregruk is a listed site, so as it is not too far from here, if we are allowed, we will go there and take some pictures.
Apperently, the castle is almost the size of Windsor Castle! There are only a sparse amount of structure left, but the archaeologists did discover some more ruins.
An extremely, interesting programme!
Here is the link (I hope it works):