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Life & Events > Boring > Busy Day & Stormy Night

Busy Day & Stormy Night

My Saturday is coming to an end. I still can't figure out why weekends go by so fast.
I got up at 8:00 and hit the road, I had things that I needed to get done, because tomorrow I'm not doing anything but being a veg...LOL
I got the oil changed on the car...
Stopped by Wal-Mart (I hate Wal-mart)....and got a few things. I even bought myself a pair of shoes. Some little slip on ones for the summer. I had plans on buying a big trash can on wheels, because the one we have outside just isn't cutting it anymore. I found the one I wanted but of course all the lids were up on the top shelf, and I can't reach that high unless I grow wings or someting. So I tried hunting down someone to help, and I knew I was in trouble when I found someone and she acted like I had committed some crime even talking to her. She finally took some lids down off the shelf and walked away, and when I tried to ask her a question about one of them, she just kept walking...so I said fuck this...put the trash can back and left....screw um...they won't get my money anymore.
Stopped by Kroger and picked up some groceries, and stood in line at the pharmacy for my meds. It was so funny....there was about 7 of us waiting in line and this one little elderly lady in one of those little wheelchair buggies. Well she got tired waiting I guess cuz she cut in front of everybody and started yelling....she was pissed because she had to walk to get another wheelchair thingy because some inconsiderate person didn't plug it in, and she was tired, and she needed her meds and she had to get groceries and she was tired and lord she just went on and on and on... The little man in front of me turned around and looked at me and said... "IF I steal the buggy you think you could get her tied up fast"....I laughed and the man in front of him turned around and said..."to hell with tieing her up, I'll sit on her"....*ROFL* He was quite a large fellow and I just laughed and told him....I wouldn't get anywhere near her...she looked like a biter...*laughs*.... The poor ladies in the pharmacy were doing their best to get her the meds and get her out of there....it was funny. Even after she left the pharmacy you could hear her yelling down one of the isles...LOL
Seems everyone is having sinus and allergy problems these days...I've had a headache for days...and it's still bothering me today. I think everyone at the pharmacy was sneezing and complaining about the pollen.
Weather wizards are talking about storms coming tonight. Some they say could turn severe....hail, high winds, all that good stuff.. So we may have a bumpy night...
My sweetie is going to put my new computer together tomorrow...his mothers day present to me...*grins* So if you don't hear from me tomorrow....that could be the reason why...LOL Hope all the mom's out there have a great day tomorrow...*hugs*

posted on May 10, 2008 4:59 PM ()


Walmart is horrid but where else do you find some things? I don't go unless I am desperate.
comment by elderjane on May 12, 2008 10:36 PM ()
We had lousy weather until it finally broke on Saturday afternoon and for the remainder of the weekend, but now that Sunday is drawing to an end the skies are beginning to change again because we have more bad weather in the forecast. Hope you enjoyed this Mother's Day!
comment by donnamarie on May 11, 2008 3:59 PM ()
There were 12 people killed in MO. These storms have been fierce around the Midwest! Stay safe--watch out for the storms and that pesky pollen!!!
comment by angiedw on May 11, 2008 4:31 AM ()
I got me a new computer as well and had it up and running within an hour. I got it right before I was heading off to work. Took it out of the box and plugged everything in and went to work. When I got home I was on the Internet. You will be up in no time unless hubby isn't computer savvy.
comment by blogdreamz on May 10, 2008 8:33 PM ()
Send your 'sweetie' here--I am going crazy getting this new computer working right--have to learn all about Vista--'imported' my Juno e-mail and Internet account and did't get my addresses or 'favorites'--ugh!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 10, 2008 8:32 PM ()
Ack... I just got interrupted by a frost alert for tonight... and I have plants out at the other house. Anyway, aside from crappy weather, have a great Mother's Day!
comment by jjoohhnn on May 10, 2008 5:33 PM ()
I will be vegging too tomorrow! and waiting to be pampered, better not hold my breath. we had rain from thursday night until this afternoon. then the sun came out and it warmed up! have a great mother's day!
comment by elkhound on May 10, 2008 5:10 PM ()

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