James M.


James M.
Lewes, DE
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Politics & Legal > W.h./republicans Used Tax Dollars to Campaign.

W.h./republicans Used Tax Dollars to Campaign.

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For a moment, I would like to shift focus off the McSame campaign. Why, because it is dead, game over and you lose, stick a fork in it. As long as we go Vote, he is done for. The Debates are done and we are going to watch him flopping like a fish further down in the polls.
So let me point out something else of interest. Senate and congressional seats are also open this election, and it is not enough to just elect a Democratic President. We have to solidify an increased Majority in the Senate. 51 is not enough, especially with Republicans filibustering (thus requiring 60 votes to do ANYTHING) everything that comes across the table. So lets look at a good reason to be upset with them...
Here is one....
A draft House Oversight Committee report finds that the White House
“used the political affairs office to orchestrate an aggressive
strategy to use taxpayer-funded trips to help elect Republican candidates for public office.” Under the direction of Sara Taylor,
the political affairs office identified struggling GOP candidates and
arranged for cabinet members to make appearances on their behalf:

January 1, 2006, until the mid-term elections on November 7, 2006,
cabinet secretaries and other senior officials traveled to over 300
events recommended by the political affairs office. All of these events
were held with Republican candidates, and in most cases, the travel
costs were paid for with federal funds. … In some instances,
the White House specifically requested that travel be billed to the
taxpayers to save Republican campaigns money.

That's right boys and girls, our already in debt, overused tax dollars not only bail out banks, but also are used to elect Republicans to office. YOU paid for part of it. Now, why, why should you think THIS year is any different? Huh? Think they grew a conscience since 2006? Think again. Got a Republican in your district? Kick him/her out. Then let the new ones know this will NOT be allowed.
And they want to talk about "rigging elections. Fox has said ACORN more than 5 times as many times as CNN and MSNBC COMBINED, to get the nuckle dragging, mouth breathing McCain supporter all in a tizzy. Ignore the fact that Voter Fraud and Voter Registration Fraud are two DIFFERENT THINGS (you can sign up Heada lettuce, Micky mouse or Isabell Ringing to vote, but you can't make them do it) Meanwhile, the purging (see my previous post) continues...

posted on Oct 16, 2008 4:25 AM ()


btw, do you ever sleep? Seeing you here online whole day while you are 6 hours behind me...When I started reading mybloggers you already were here (your time then was about 3.30 am i guess)Now at the moment it will be 7.30 there (here 1.30 pm)
comment by itsjustme on Oct 16, 2008 5:21 AM ()
Why arent there never been questions about using tax-payers money for republican campains?
comment by itsjustme on Oct 16, 2008 5:18 AM ()

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