Woman Arrested at McCain Event for "McCain=Bush" Sign
By Lindsay Beyerstein, Majikthise
Posted on July 7, 2008, Printed on July 9, 2008
A 61-year-old librarian was ejected from an ostensibly public McCain campaign event at the Denver Center of Performing Arts in Denver, CO on June 7 because
she was brandishing a deadly memetic weapon: a hand-lettered sign that
read "McCain=Bush."
Carol Kreck was standing
outside the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, which is located on
city property. When she was asked to either discard the sign or get
out, Ms. Kreck objected that she was standing on city property.
was lead away by police officers and subsequently ticketed for
trespassing. As she was being removed, Kreck asked if was being
arrested. The officer answered, "Yes." (Approximately 1:03 into the
Carol Kreck, QED. McCain=Bush.
As ThinkProgress notes:
"McCain has apparently taken a page from the Bush playbook. In 2005,
the White House had three activists expelled from a Denver public forum
with President Bush because it was the administration’s policy “to
exclude potentially disruptive guests from Bush’s appearances
As I have said before, a little more Fascism, McSame style...