In case you missed the final State of the Union Address the "decider" had to give, here is the text of the speech. For a brief synopsis of the 53 minute speech, it was 50 minutes of "Terror and Tax cuts" and 3 minutes of health care, housing crisis, New Orleans, and other issues. The Washington post decided to do a "fact check" of his speech. Remember in school when you got your reports back covered in red ink, bled to death. That sums it up. Why bother fact checking this administration, after the study that showed 935 false statements came out of this administration to justify the Iraq war, anyone with any sense knows they have no credibility. But did you see Cheney, I had to look close a few times, I wasn't sure if he was still breathing or not. His color matched Nancy Pelosi's lavender colored dress really well, wonder if her staff took into account that she would be near him and thus should match. He did discuss giving 300 million in Pell grants to private, "faith based" schools. Wow, what an achievement, but when you look at the fact that we spend 250 million A DAY in Iraq, then it kinda puts his "domestic" policy in perspective. At least he didn't bring up the "Human-Animal Hybrids" this year.
Hey, speaking of Iraq, a new report shows that the U.S. failed to provide oversight in the reconstruction. It also failed to let the oil revenues pay for the reconstruction, as mentioned in previous State of the Union speeches. But hey, since we are doing all the building anyway, and since we have so much money to just throw at Iraq, Bush decided to override congress yet again with another signing statement. One to make those permanent military bases in Iraq. Get this..
President Bush said Congress's prohibition on building permanent military bases in Iraq infringes on his executive powers.
Were you aware presidents have the executive power to build permanent military bases in countries that don't want us there or that are not ours? Yea, me neither. So much for those three "co-equal" branches of government, huh?

The Fed has issued another rate cut to try and save this country's failing economy. Last year alone, forclosures were up a staggering 75%, with 405,000 households losing their homes. This is the second rate cut in 8 days. Congress is also trying to stop the upcoming recession, having passed a relief bill to the tune of 157 Billion dollars. Wonder if this will be like the last time they did that, where we get the break this year, and have to pay it back the next? Our economic situation even has other parts of the globe on alert now. This video will put our economic situation in perspective for you...
That's it for now, more stuff as I find it. Peace all!