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Politics & Legal > Here We Go Again: Gustav Nears, Katrina Aniversary

Here We Go Again: Gustav Nears, Katrina Aniversary

It has been 3 years now since Katrina hit New Orleans, and still unfortunately the city is not ready for it. Now, Gustav approaches and gathers strength, having just slammed Jamaca and killed more than 70 people at it's current level of power. Republicans like to spin it and say that liberals and progressives blame Bush for Katrina, which is not true, we blame him for putting the Arabian horse association lawyer who had no experience in emergency management as the top dog in FEMA. You remember, "heck of a job" Brownie. They also like to lie and say that the fault lies with those in New Orleans, who in fact did ask for help and did brief the president well before the hurricane struck.
Does anyone remember where Bush was the day after the Hurricane struck, because I do...

Now, 3 years later, Counterpunch & Alternet looks at the "progress" made after Katrina, when Bush decided to let Karl Rove fix the situation...


Katrina Pain Index: Measuring New Orleans' Devastation Three Years Later

By Bill Quigley, CounterPunch
Posted on August 29, 2008, Printed on August 29, 2008

Katrina hit New Orleans and the Gulf Coast three years ago this week.
The president promised to do whatever it took to rebuild. But the
nation is trying to fight wars in several countries and is dealing with
economic crisis. The attention of the president wandered away. As a
result, this is what New Orleans looks like today.

Number of renters in Louisiana who have received financial assistance
from the $10 billion federal post-Katrina rebuilding program Road Home
Community Development Block Grant -- compared to 116,708 homeowners.

Number of apartments currently being built to replace the 963 public
housing apartments formerly occupied and now demolished at the St.
Bernard Housing Development.

0. Amount of data available to
evaluate performance of publicly financed, privately run charter
schools in New Orleans in 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 school years.

Percentage of rental homes that were supposed to be repaired and
occupied by August 2008 which were actually completed and occupied -- a
total of 82 finished out of 10,000 projected.

1. Rank of New Orleans among US cities in percentage of housing vacant or ruined.
1. Rank of New Orleans among US cities in murders per capita for 2006 and 2007.
4. Number of the 13 City of New Orleans Planning Districts that are at the same risk of flooding as they were before Katrina.
Number of apartments being rehabbed so far to replace the 896
apartments formerly occupied and now demolished at the Lafitte Housing

11. Percent of families who have returned to live in Lower Ninth Ward.
17. Percentage increase in wages in the hotel and food industry since before Katrina.
20-25. Years that experts estimate it will take to rebuild the City of New Orleans at current pace.
25. Percent fewer hospitals in metro New Orleans than before Katrina.
32. Percent of the city's neighborhoods that have less than half as many households as before Katrina.
36. Percent fewer tons of cargo that move through Port of New Orleans since Katrina.
38. Percent fewer hospital beds in New Orleans since Katrina.
Percentage fewer special education students attending publicly funded,
privately run charter schools than traditional public schools.

Number of publicly funded, privately run public charter schools in New
Orleans out of total of 79 public schools in the city.

43. Percentage of child care available in New Orleans compared to before Katrina.
46. Percentage increase in rents in New Orleans since Katrina.
56. Percentage fewer inpatient psychiatric beds compared to before Katrina.
80. Percentage fewer public transportation buses now than pre-Katrina.
81. Percentage of homeowners in New Orleans who received insufficient funds to cover the complete costs to repair their homes.
300. Number of National Guard troops still in City of New Orleans.
1,080. Days National Guard troops have remained in City of New Orleans.
1,250. Number of publicly financed vouchers for children to attend private schools in New Orleans in program's first year.
6,982. Number of families still living in FEMA trailers in metro New Orleans area.
8,000. Fewer publicly assisted rental apartments planned for New Orleans by federal government.
10,000. Houses demolished in New Orleans since Katrina.
Number of homeless in New Orleans even after camps of people living
under the bridges have been resettled -- double the pre-Katrina number.

14,000. Number of displaced families in New Orleans area whose hurricane rental assistance expires in March 2009.
Number of children who have not returned to public school in New
Orleans, leaving the public school population less than half what it
was pre-Katrina.

39,000. Number of Louisiana homeowners who have
applied for federal assistance in repair and rebuilding who still have
not received any money.

45,000. Fewer children enrolled in Medicaid public healthcare in New Orleans than pre-Katrina.
46,000. Fewer African-American voters in New Orleans in 2007 gubernatorial election than in 2003 gubernatorial election.
55,000. Fewer houses receiving mail than before Katrina.
62,000. Fewer people in New Orleans enrolled in Medicaid public healthcare than pre-Katrina.
71,657. Vacant, ruined, unoccupied houses in New Orleans today.
124,000. Fewer people working in metropolitan New Orleans than pre-Katrina.
Fewer people in New Orleans than before Katrina, according to the City
of New Orleans current population estimate of 321,000 in New Orleans.

Fewer people in New Orleans than before Katrina, according to the US
Census Bureau current population estimate of 239,000 in New Orleans.

453,726. Population of New Orleans before Katrina.
320 million. Number of trees destroyed in Louisiana and Mississippi by Katrina.
million. Dollar losses of five major metro New Orleans hospitals from
Katrina through 2007. In 2008, these hospitals expect another $103
million in losses.

1.9 billion. FEMA dollars scheduled to be available to metro New Orleans for Katrina damages that have not yet been delivered.
2.6 billion. FEMA dollars scheduled to be available to State of Louisiana for Katrina damages that have not yet been delivered.
Bill Quigley is a human rights lawyer and professor at Loyola
University New Orleans College of Law. He is also a member of the legal
collective of School of Americas Watch.

© 2008 CounterPunch All rights reserved.

posted on Aug 29, 2008 4:10 AM ()


that is a list.Of what,where,no how,Bush had not done a freaking
things to help these people out.He waited tooooooo long.
comment by fredo on Aug 29, 2008 10:01 AM ()
omg that list.... Looks like almost nothing is done to help.
comment by itsjustme on Aug 29, 2008 4:44 AM ()

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