Washington Mutual's CEO Alan Fishman, who had been on the job for 17
(days) before the bank failed and was taken over by the federal government,
was paid nearly $20 million dollars in that time. He recieved a $7.5
million dollar bonus when he was hired on Sept. 8, 2008. Then he
recieved a cash severance of $11.6 million since the company went
under. Of course there was also his base salary of $1 million a year.
You have to be insane to think this is OK.
Speaking of insane, McSame spent his time trying to disrupt the bailout deal in the House and the Senate. First off, he was acting like an angry teenager because it was already nearly finished when he finally got done with all the press photo-ops, and he wants to appear as Mr. Hero...
Democrats Blame McCain Democrats and some commentators are blaming McCain for the failure of the talks. The AP recounts House GOP leader John Boehner "expressed misgivings about the
emerging plan and McCain would not commit to supporting it." Moreover,
says McClatchy,
Boehner "offered an alternative plan." Democrats "think that
Republicans were backing away from a compromise many of them agreed to
earlier Thursday -- without McCain's involvement -- in order to give
McCain time to play a role and perhaps appear as a rescuer."
The Politico notes Rep. Barney Frank "accused House Republicans -- with the tacit
support of...McCain -- of crafting an alternative to undercut Treasury
Secretary Henry Paulson." The New York Times reports Sen. Chris Dodd, "looking tired and annoyed, complained that
the late complications were making the episode sound more like 'a
rescue plan for John McCain.'"
On ABC World News, George Stephanopoulos said "some
Democrats suspect that" McCain is "coming in, working with the House
Republicans to blow this up so he can put it back together, and get
some credit." AFP says "top Democrats angrily accused" McCain "of sabotaging" the deal.
Isn't it something when someone who wants to be president would rather play politics and let the Economy get worse, like what happened with Washington Mutual. I don't like the bail-out either, but if we have to do it, to prevent a severe recession, then so be it. But McCain's behavior shows his selfish nature, all too well..
By the way, the Republican house/McCain new plan, tax cuts for corporations and lower capital gains taxes. I am sure the former CEO of WaMu likes that Idea, we don't want him paying too much taxes on that 17 days of hard labor now, do we...