Victor Lee


Victor Lee
Cherryvale, KS
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Arts & Culture > Poetry & Prose > If I Were a Woman

If I Were a Woman

Oh yes, this is my short story, or my way of thinking as of 1736 hours on 05-09-2008


And yes I can write this post…  I shall write my heart out lol, and if you read it you too will know the truth as I see it.  In my way of thinking the things that will be mentioned here in shall be a truth of sorts.  Now I’m not saying that I know much about nothing but I have (in my life) touched some and this caused me to know (a few things) because my eyes were open.  Notice: that I didn’t say “Opened”.  One quick truth, if you understand irony then you’ll get along quite nicely with this post.  Wait; I’m experiencing writers block……  Not,,,,,,,, here we go.


If I were a woman,


I would shape the men/man in my life from the feet up into exactly the perfect mate for me.  Oh I can see it now, you are saying WTF right?  LOL let me explain.  Now I wouldn’t do this because he wanted me to, or because someone thought it would be a good idea, no, I’d be doing because I love that much.  I would be doing it because love is the grandest of all things that we so desperately need.  Yep, the man in my life would be completely surrendered to me 100% of ever twenty four hours of every day, three hundred and sixty five days a year.  Don’t believe me huh?  Well I divulge, if it is true that the secret to a mans heart lies within him then a greater truth is that a woman holds the key that unlocks every single door in his entire being.  If I am to know what is in my man then I must utilize attributes of our demise to attain entry.  Just so you know ergonomics aren't employed in these techniques lol… 


Yes, yes, yes, I must roam into the four corners of his heart to search and seek the treasure within.  Else how shall I know?  What, do you think he’s going to tell you where his guarded jewels are?  Wake up my girlfriend dear, and give me some sugar, because you are too sweet for your own good lol.  Listen; lest I go into the dark places in him and discover the Man he is to be, how shall I mold his shape?  If I’m not willing to travel to see his riches where ever they may be, how on earth could I expect him to purchase me with the warmth and tenderness I need?  Our hearts are filled with many doors, and behind each door there’s a guarded treasure.  Just because I have the key doesn’t mean they will open.  I have to use the keys.  I have to unlock the beautiful potential.  I have to pass through each one till his heart truly is an open door unto me.  I must be able to flow thru his heart as though I was his life’s blood.  Doesn’t this sound fun?  Wew  Hoo…..


Every man, no wait, let me say that again, “every man” needs to connect with his mate in a way that would astound all living.  Yup, it’s true.  With out an unbreakable connection there is no true ebb and flow.  With out this bond that goes far beyond the readily attainable a vow is merely a whisper never heard between and two hearts.  With love being our foot hold the tethers of our hearts will grow into a single proverbial heart that beats as one. 



As they come to me in no particular order below are the things that I would be if I were a woman.


I would be a whore, yep; I’d be the sexiest woman of the night you’ve ever seen.  I would go to the ends of the earth work’en it, just work it, work it lol.  I would be his love slave to the uttermost grasping the fantasies as the flowed from his body, and mind, fulfilling his desires until his body lie broken before me.  I would be a stripper with not a shred of apprehension, and I would erect a dance pole in our love room, daring his eyes to turn away.  I would purchase a 900 number for calls during the night, and it would be me his hot little phone sex thingy making love to him with the words of my heart.  I would buy the most provocative garments and would wear them at will.  I would beckon him to dare to adore me, and to entreat me as an animal of his desires.  I would ravish his bones until they quaked for rest, and I would offer him my arms for comfort, and bliss.  I would jump his bones continuously like a spider monkey jacked up on mountain dew lol….


I would be the lost he’s found.  I would the his hope he is to find.  I would be the help he seeks, and the answers he needs.  I would be the night for his delight, and the rain that fills his cup.  I would be the river he crosses, in search new land.  I would be the fountain he sups when his life needs renewed.  I would be the food for his strength as each day quickly ends.  I would be the mountains on high he climbs if for only the view.  I would be the dance he shares as the music leads on.  I would be a soul for assurance when times are hard.  I would be a shoulder when hope has left him less.  I would be the bridge that carries him to places anew.  I would be the shade that moves with the winds as to cover him from harm.  I would treat him with tenderness until life was no more.

All these things would shape the man I adore, and his heart would be open, and it's song would be me. 


I would be oh so many things, but most all, the very most important thing of all, I would just be me.


True love has no bounds, and in love neither should we.


Peace everyone.






posted on May 9, 2008 7:37 PM ()


Get a grip!
comment by thestephymore on Sept 15, 2008 12:54 AM ()
Aaaahhh! A woman after my own heart. I think you describe it beautifully and it is with that same passion that we should all love our mates...male or female. It isn't about shallow things like who takes care of the car and mows the grass, or about who cleans the house and does the wash. It is about giving yourself so completely that the other person is shaped into who they can really be. I applaud your openness and honesty. Now if only I could be that woman myself!! ILMP OXSLOX
comment by dakmom on May 19, 2008 3:29 AM ()
##### = W h o r e
comment by kristilyn3 on May 14, 2008 9:26 AM ()
You'd be a ##### - til some angry power hungry man killed you...

I liked this though - very open!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on May 14, 2008 9:26 AM ()
Oh geez Vic! You're too funny!
comment by artisticgypsy on May 14, 2008 5:51 AM ()
Lordy lordy! Wistful thinking darlin'. What women really want:
A man who'll take car of the car, mow the grass, cry at girlie movies,
bring chocolates and flowers for no reason, kiss you even when you
have a cold, nuzzle and hug and not expect sex with every encounter,
change a diaper, work and make a living and stay true to his woman.
Those are just a few.
comment by susil on May 10, 2008 11:41 AM ()

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