Our Trek begins with love, followed by foreplay (hopefully GREAT foreplay) consensual penetration, stimulation ally induced contractions/orgasms, groans and moans, squeals, rapid heartbeats, tingling trembling bodies, breathlessness, words and uttering that shouldn’t be repeated (in some cases vast amounts of OMG’s lol), nudity, sweat, an extremely close encounter of the sensual kind, and then Nine months later out you come from one of the most miraculous places God has made. Our place of “origin†in the light of the miracle life is the essence of who, and what we are. Without being technical or clerical I have something that I’d like to say about this matter.
We are extremely intelligent, sensual, sexual, and spiritual beings. We posses the capacity to adapt and overcome just about any type of environment that life has to through as us. In fact, if our forefathers (and Mothers) could see how far we’ve come they would be amazed. The achievements of mankind are astonishing to say the least, and this leads me to point of this post.
In this great event called life we tend to forget what we are. By virtue of many things internally or externally we lose sight of what truly matters the most. We lose ourselves in the world at large (thru events or encounters) and we forget to remember just how beautiful and unique we truly are. Don’t believe me? How many times have you been in a crowd of people and felt so alone? Have you ever felt like you are unloved, or not needed, or unwanted? Have you ever felt that no one appreciates you? Have you ever felt abandoned? Have you ever experienced jealousy? Well, I can tell you that I’ve experienced all of these things, and I can testify that all these things will tear and rip at the core of you, and will break down the truth that is the very fabric of who you are. All of these variables will cause you to forget the beauty in you and your origin.
Without going into great detail I can share some of my experiences with you about finding my origins, and causing others to reunite with what they forgot. By returning to the “source†is where to find yourself, and where you can rest in moments of bliss. Having been blessed with mates I have a great understanding of what it takes to facilitate a miraculous deference from the mundane to feelings of being worth everything. How we place value of our self worth is by the way we perceive our selves. If you feel beautiful, lovely, and sexy, then you know the whole truth.
Being a sensual sexual man (followed by foreplay (gratifying erotic foreplay) consensual penetration, stimulation ally induced contractions/orgasms, groans and moans, squeals, rapid heartbeats, tingling trembling bodies, breathlessness, words and uttering that will always be repeated (in some cases vast amounts of OMG’s lol), nudity, sweat, an extremely close encounter of the sensual kind) I can tell you that I found my source in the most beautiful chambers , and in the most incredible heights attainable. When your mate looks into your eyes with the softness of her beauty, and the boundless of her elation then you know that you've both have been to an incredible place of origin
In moments like these it just doesn’t do it justice by saying words like, I feel so beautiful, I feel so sexy, or I feel so incredibly loved. No, I say that when we perceive our view from this place that we just attained that only our beings can interpret the magnitude of the moment for words can’t define or in-capsule the description.
Male or female, one and all please know this: There are no words to describe “all that you are†in the most endurably beautiful ways.
So, if you’ve lost your way and you forget to remember who and what you are just return to the source. Don’t do what the godfather says (Go to the mattresses) lol…. Just run to the chambers that finds you so warm, andâ€heal your thoughts†in the moments that follow.
I wish you the very best from the JJ…