Victor Lee


Victor Lee
Cherryvale, KS
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Swimming With The Sharks!

Life & Events > Bing Bang Boom Lol

Bing Bang Boom Lol

As people inter and exit ours lives, loved ones and or just people we have casual contact with if we do indeed change. Encounters are bound to enlighten or educate all of us in different ways. But still in wonder, are there things that we miss. You know, something that we didn’t get the first go through sort of thing. Periodically I ponder as though it’s a process of the ordinary. Maybe not so ordinary but rather par for the course so to speak. Some things are in bold print when it comes to things we are to know, but then there’s the not so prevalent things that tend to sneak past our perception. They say that know man lives or dies unto him self, and I can see the likely hood of this thinking.

But what of our encounters are we supposed to capture? Is it more than we could possibly know, or rather is it just a hit and miss sort of thing. I’m truly not entirely sure, but as often as these things cross my mind there could be more to it. I base this finding on some facts that I’ve learned personally and through stories from others. One that really rocks me is when I’m seemingly at the very time and location I should be and at the very time and this amazing thing happens. What if I think? What I got delayed or I had taken some time on something else I was doing and I missed the mark? What then? Would my life have been altered so to speak? I’m mean surely if I missed an encounter than had the potential to be amazing then surly it could figuratively have and lessened effect on my life.

Take sayings like “not a moment too soon” or “just in the nick of time”. These things happen and for the most part are good things right? Well, tie that thought in with the fact that all encounters are meant to be something. Something to someone, or many. Doesn’t it make you think? Wow, I just touched someone today. I’m mean really made a difference in a life. How cool is that? I’ve seen the wonders unfold many times in my life, and experiencing each of these events make me what? I don’t know. How can I? I guess what I’m asking is, does the course of these events or encounters have a known out come or does the outcome vary like the sands in the sea? Just knowing what little I do, I have to lean toward the sand. I have to because so many things in this life aren’t written in stone so to speak. But then on the other hand I see the beach that’s built by the sands in the sea.

The things that go beyond the realm of chance or the mundane or even ordinary surely have merit right? Things that touch our souls or even our bodies in a way that more than moves us most be important. How important though? Does it have value? Can you tell me what it is? Does anyone know? Have you been there and done one of these great things? Have you ever bent or altered the thresholds of the less known things or places in this world? Have you traveled into or out of a place so rare that anyone near that saw the thing that happened as it really was?

I believe that amazing and special things are continuously happening all around us. Forever altering people places and things. Perhaps even me if I am so lucky. Large scale or even small things are going to happen I think. The thing is, we should be so lucky to be where and when we should be at the right place at the right time lol. Who knows, you and I could meet and then all the sudden “BOOM” the world may never be the same again lol..

All I can say is, be ready lol. Cause ya just never know.

See ya


posted on Apr 27, 2008 6:06 PM ()


This post really got to me...
comment by janetk on Apr 28, 2008 6:59 AM ()

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