Victor Lee


Victor Lee
Cherryvale, KS
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Swimming With The Sharks!

Life & Events > Pimp’en Made Easy

Pimp’en Made Easy

If only I had some drama to share lol. But, I’m short on it as usual. I do have something to share. I’m leaving. Yup, my shit is all up in the breeze once again. If someone in the vicinity of the Twin Cities is in dire straights and needs some good old fashion southern function then try not to bother me with it lol. I got the call this morning that my services are needed and that tomorrow would be a great time to set sail. What? Do you like those kind of calls? LOL, it’s cool and shit though. Mostly cause I can get my grove on with my shit in the business. You know what I say’en right? Yes, there’s nothing like just getting out there in the breeze just cooling down the fires STS. No, that’s not a new STD lol. Although it could be someday.

Speaking of STD’s I haven’t seen any lately. Must be a good thing though, because gone are the days of all the good ones like Gomorrah, sifphilis, Harpies, and Venereal Decease and shit. The stuff in the business these days aren’t good. What happen to the good stuff? Man, it’s hard to find a good time anymore eh? LOL, just play’en yawl, ok? I’m mean tricks are getting cheaper by the day aren’t they? With the question begs my next story.

Back in the day before cell phones, beepers, and other distractions, there was a moment that has forever been is suspicion. The promise was made faithfully between her and I and the path quickly became skewed. I was near the brink of success and she was born of the gods. At the very moment of her conception a volatile mix was a brew. She was a damsel made of the finest things. Things that cannot be describe, however I seen through the beauty and have learned that falsehoods are far more likely than “the She’s” made in such a way. Less wondrous vessels have long vestured the bodies not suitable for anything that could happen in a single night.

The effects of this moment are as long as the days that preceded our embrace. There she was in the doorway leading into the night. Gently I spoke are you taken? A smile replaced the distance between the her front steps and the night. It was on. The places we went weren’t the problem, nor were the wines we drank. It was more you see, cause and effect is what breaches the fine lines between us and the night. The darkness surrounds us and nights with out lights breeds’ trouble.

Promptly as the night wore on I commenced the sequence of events never to be undone. Our retreat was a vacant hideaway nestled in commerce adjoining tall buildings. As our flesh became one her body was laid waste in the tabernacle of doom. As she lie there spent in the ashes of wonder she lifted her head and spoke this thing.

I should tell that I think I could have an STD.

This post shares close ties to my Blog title lol…

Good night all


posted on Apr 28, 2008 6:42 PM ()


Easy, easy now lol.....
comment by daremeonce on May 4, 2008 5:24 AM ()
Hey my didn't show up!

So, here's another one or three!
comment by whereabouts on May 2, 2008 1:22 PM ()
comment by whereabouts on May 2, 2008 1:21 PM ()
comment by janetk on May 2, 2008 7:52 AM ()
Hmmmmm......I think i might know you......have you been on blogster?
I could give you a clue as to who I am, but let's see how your investigative skills are!!!
comment by dakmom on May 2, 2008 5:19 AM ()

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