Victor Lee


Victor Lee
Cherryvale, KS
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Life & Events > Who's Looking and What Shall They Find?

Who's Looking and What Shall They Find?

Hey everybody,

During this recession it has become apparent that revenue isn’t the only thing that is hard to find. Along with un-employment being on the rise so too is the lack of quality mates. I’m not sure if there was ever was a good time to find and keep a Great/Good person as a mate.

The definition of “Great” is: larger or more important than others of the same kind, extreme or more than usual, able to do something very well, or very skillful with something, doing something often, enjoying something very much, or being a very good example of something, used to emphasize how much of a quality somebody or something has. The definition of “Good” is: of a high quality or standard, either on an absolute scale or in relation to another or others, having the appropriate qualities to be something or to fit a purpose, possessing the necessary skill or talent to do something, having or showing an upright and virtuous character, He's a man who insists on the finer things in life: good food, good books, and the theater, sufficiently large, or providing more than enough of something, acceptable as true or genuine and sufficient for the purpose.

These are just a few possible qualities one would seek to find in a mate and I’m not sure if it’s just me or the possible fact that some of our standards are set too high lol.
Considering words like Awesome, Sensual, Enduring, Handsome, Lovely, Beautiful, Passionate, Tender, Perfect, and the all so elusive features like “Mr. Right”, or the “Girl of my Dreams”, let’s take a look at these terms.

Awesome- so impressive or overwhelming as to inspire a strong feeling of admiration or fear, used as a general term of enthusiastic approval.

Sensual- relating to physical or, especially, sexual pleasure, suggesting a great deal of physical or, especially, sexual pleasure, relating to the body or the senses as opposed to the mind or the intellect.

Enduring- persisting or surviving in the face of difficulties, patient or tolerant despite many difficulties,

Handsome- with good-looking facial features or a pleasing general appearance, pleasingly large in extent or size, well-made or skillfully executed.
Lovely- beautiful and pleasing, especially in a harmonious way, very enjoyable or pleasant, loving or friendly and caring, attracting or inspiring love in others.

Beautiful- very pleasing and impressive to look at, listen to, touch, smell, or taste, very good or enjoyable.
Passionate- expressing or showing strong sexual desire, expressing intense feeling, having a keen enthusiasm or intense desire for something, tending to have strong feelings, especially of love, desire, or enthusiasm, a fiery, passionate personality.

Tender- showing care, gentleness, and feeling, sensitive and caring toward others and often feeling emotions intensely, so delicate, soft, or weak as to be hurt, crushed, or broken easily.

Perfect- without errors, flaws, or faults, complete and lacking nothing essential, excellent or ideal in every way, having all the necessary or typical characteristics required for a given situation, very proficient, skilled, or talented in a particular area.

Mr. Right- a man seen as being a perfect romantic or marriage partner for a specific woman.

Girl of my Dreams- I couldn’t find defining definitions of this sequence of words lol.
In a “Word”? NOT!

I haven’t seen, or meet many people like this in my entire life. And lately it seems as though someone finding another with most of these qualities is shrinking by the day. My hope is that people in this world will grow, and learn to become better people (including myself). It would be so wonderful to see more warmth in people these days.

I miss seeing softness and forgiveness in people’s eyes.
If you are someone that seeks beauty in others my hope is that you find more than you ever thought you would find, and happiness will overwhelm you continuously.

The terms listed above in people are out there, and I believe that if you peruse your dreams with an open mind and heart you will find that which you seek.

Happy hunting, and call me if you need me lol…

Peace from JJ’s Place

posted on May 3, 2009 5:58 PM ()

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