The sun is out today. I am happy to see it, as it has been absent for a couple of days.
I was just thinking that despite the little bit of snow we have gotten I have not seen a snow plow truck, but one just breezed by. Funny how things like that happen.
The sky is blue today and I don't see any clouds. We are fortunate here in Mid-Michigan, as there are coastal counties that are getting lake effect snow today.
I didn't get to sleep until late last night, but not all was lost. I had a good time looking at Thanksgiving pictures and posting some, including a funny cartoon.
You know, if we were to look at something from another's perspective, we may see something totally different than we expected. That was sort of the gist about the turkeys celebrating Thanksgiving, but in a humorous way.
Who, though, can say they know all? They know all truth? Every story has two sides to it. Do we always hear the other side? Do we give the benefit of the doubt to the party yet unheard? Or do we dismiss it because we disagree with it, whether it was heard or not.
It brings to mind that old native American adage about walking a mile in my shoes. Think about it. What if we were the ones being stuffed? Would we feel so superior? I doubt it.
Another snow plow truck just went by, probably dropping salt on the slippery road. That stuff is so bad for cars, though.
Thinking about walking in another's shoes brings to mind the recent passing of Prop 8 in California, and the similar passage of such a ban in two other states. I have read here on mybloggers some excellent points regarding the conflict this proposition has stirred. Since when do we legislate religion? If we have proposed a ban on gay marriage then why not legislate against adultery? Why should our government decide who gets to marry when it doesn't regulate those that are married and unfaithful to their spouses and place a ban on that?
Just some ideas rolling around in my head this morning. I guess I am attempting to see the world from another's viewpoint, and it has been enlightening. And very thought provoking.