"I will not cooperate or communicate with someone who publicly and viciously attacks me."
I stated this yesterday in 2 replies to comments made on a blog entitled "Texastar's Email Message About My Comment" that was posted on my blog site.
I did in fact comment to Gary's most recent post, "I'm Strange at Times", once more making information public that Gary has repeatedly demanded. I made public again the information as to where to obtain my address and also my income tax filing status for the years 2003 to 2007. I am not going to include a link to that blog as it is, in my opinion, lewd and distasteful.
I did make further communication because I will not stand idly by while Gary continues to lie about me and make public statements about what I have allegedly NOT done to assist his (yet to be realized) efforts in obtaining a divorce and filing back taxes. By continuing to make these allegations Gary furthers his pattern of harassment in this matter and I am posting this publicly so as to make my claim valid if proof were needed if and when I choose to pursue legal avenues. I am including the comments that I made below in the event that Gary decides to completely delete that post and comments.
RE: Taxes
The only reason he was asking about how you filed was so that he can prevent an audit. It was a simple question that needed a simple answer. Being that technically the two of you are married... it is in the best interest to the both of you to resolve this in an adult manner.
comment by rocki8281971 on Nov 6, 2008 11:16 PM (EST) [ reply ]
Certainly you could answer this question for him, as even though you are not married but have children I am certain that you have filed Head of Household as well as I have. If he wants to prevent an audit, especially considering that he is self-employed, then he should have filed taxes each year. The only year that I filed Married Separately was in 2003. I don't think that I can get any more adult than that.
Besides, my biggest beef is that he has the nerve to tell me exactly where I live (which is none of his business), and then now, you are answering a post that if were replied to I would think it should be him, as this has nothing to do with you.
reply by busymichmom on Nov 6, 2008 11:40 PM (EST)
All information necessary to know how I filed my taxes is included in the above comment and reply. To recap, I filed Married Separately in 2003, and Head of Household every year after.
comment by busymichmom on Nov 17, 2008 3:09 PM (EST) [ reply ]
RE: Divorce
I was going to reply on Gary’s blog but chose not to because there are not notifications of comments here for when someone comments on your blog, only when hey reply.
As an “old-timer†I remember when Gary would come into chats and curse you out, this was before his one year absence and say horrible things. You never opened your mouth which was probably for the best yet he kept ranting and you firmly and quietly stood your ground as it was your right to blog there too.
Seems to me people mistakenly mistake silence for an admission of guilt and I will not take sides on this at all because domestic issues are not something one wants to get in the middle of and most to have more tact than to take sides.
I do have a question though for Gary because two years ago it was the same old thing, “Give me your address so I can divorce you.â€
I do have a problem with that because you(Gary) Have harped on this for some time and because of this it seems to me she may have very good reason not to do this because if you honestly want this divorce you do not even need her address.
I read on a Michigan law website:
If the filing spouse has made a 'good faith effort' to locate the missing spouse, and can swear under oath and penalty of perjury that they do not know the current whereabouts of the respondent and have made an effort to locate them, the missing respondent can be 'served' by publication of a notice in a local newspaper.
Maybe you did not know this. I dunno. I just figured if you really want this to end and did not have the information, I could be helpful but if you do have the info, well, bad on you.
Like other folks I am sure you both want this ugliness to end.
comment by mmmhollywould on Nov 16, 2008 12:03 AM (EST) [ reply ]
Since you can tell me where I live, then getting my address can't be all that difficult either. My name, address, and phone number is publicly listed in the Yellowbook.
comment by busymichmom on Nov 17, 2008 2:57 PM (EST) [ reply ]
I have two final statements to make regarding this matter.
1. Gary made these statements in comments to Jenn on her blog post "My Response to Elkhound's Outhouse Blog":
"...Always good to point out a proof. Hell, I'd challenge Debbie (Busymidmichmom) to it in a second. I promise.. she will "trip" herself real bad. Reason?.. lol.. she lies, I don't..."
"...Hey, if your so "sure" you can prove ME wrong.. lets engage in a "public" discussion.. "Real time".. you and me.. in the chat room.. Invite everyone in.. lol. Let them watch what each says! let them see what "proof" you or I have to offer. I know I've never lied about you... have you ever lied about me?? IDIOT..."
This blog site and chat room are not the contemporary version of The Gunfight At The OK Corral. I am not going to meet you at high noon and duke it out (sorry for the pun John Wayne).
2. Holly stated it best in her comment (above): "Seems to me people mistakenly mistake silence for an admission of guilt...".