I went back to my job as Staff supervisor at a nearby supermarket.
I thought and was amazed at how time had flown and that it would be almost 5 years working there!
Then, I didn't feel well and went to my doctor.
The events from then ontowards the next 2 years could fill a book all by themselves.
I told you about it when I first started posting on Blogster in November, '05.
Writing and blogging became an important and therapeutic exercise for me as I tried to live and cope with whatever had hit me.
It was a long haul.
My kids, family and you were a great support system for me - and still are!
Surfing the net and googling stuff like hypertension, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and a multitude of other things that I was dealing with, kept me busy and I learned a lot.
I've been healthy throughout my life - a strong, active, vital, power walking, "if you want something done right - do it yourself" kind of gal.
That all changed in a matter of weeks.
I sunk into a black hole of despair and disbelief.
I watched in the mirror and didn't recognize myself.
Today, looking back, minus a plethora of drugs and 20lbs., I'm seeing the world through new eyes - my old, familiar eyes and realize just how much I've learned.
First, just how strong and determined I really am
2) thinking can make it so
3) how important your family and friends are
4) if you want something done right - do it yourself! (I'm still working on that one)
The best thing I could've done for myself was my trip to Florida.
Not going to lie, after I had it all booked, I sat back and said "what the hell have I just done?"
I'd hardly been out of the house for 2 years let alone fly south and stay alone down there for a month!
Turned out it was fun, no stress and like a magic elixir to me physically and mentally.
I don't like to think back too much.
I'd rather look forward to my complete recovery - which isn't too far off.
Still working up to fitness walking again. I miss it like hell.
It'll happen.
So yeah, last weekend, today and everyday is Thanksgiving to me.
Thanks for being here for me xxx

Blogsterella - home from Florida