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Life & Events > Retirement > Another Day in Paradise

Another Day in Paradise

Sitting here by the fire, Mac laptop at hand and thinking; "It doesn't get any better than this!"
I have to confess that I'm getting a little tired of burning wood - it's May for heaven's sake! But after coming home from the walk to the post office, chatting up neighbors and feeling the chill from outside creep into my bones, guess it's worth the comfort.
I was reading some of the comments you left after my last few posts and realized how nice it is to have friends like you.
You all are most tolerant of me and my blatherings, sentimental and sometimes downright mushy stuff.
Now that I have the laptop and am more 'mobile' - meaning that I don't have to be upstairs in my office to blog, perhaps I'll be inspired to write more often of events going on in my life or to share something I've read or heard about.
Things are really shaping up in my yard and perennial gardens.!!
They've all been raked and topsoil spread on the front and side beds - something I haven't done in the 9 years we've been here.
The back beds got a feast of black compost from the composter 2 years ago and the plants are still rewarding me for it - amazing!
If you remember from old posts, names of plants, birds and other stuff sometime escape me. Actually, most of the time they do.
I have a kind of perennial plant growing out back. It has verigated leaves and is very invasive. It's low lying and does a great job of filling in the blanks in the garden but it insists on growing under the rock border and up into the lawn.
Therefore each spring the gardens have to be "edged" that is, using a spade, digging down far enough to cut back the damned roots.
It doesn't sound difficult when you say it fast but I find it back breaking and tedious.
So I think I might hire a young lad do the edging this year.
After that, all that is needed is to let things grow for approx a month, then the thinning has to be done.
After that, I sit back and enjoy the lush green ferns and all the other plants out there that I can't remember the names of.
It should be quite nice sitting out back on the deck overlooking the river with all of my new patio furniture.
First time since I can remember buying new stuff. It's mostly black which could prove to a mistake since I've already had to go out and scrub off the bird crap (the birds here right now are phenomenal!) from the chairs.
Oh well.
Well, that's it for now.
Lunchtime, read for a bit then a catnap.
Shine on xxx

posted on May 2, 2012 9:14 AM ()


Nothing beats "playing in the dirt"! Back breaking, but worth it.
comment by solitaire on May 7, 2012 5:13 AM ()
After spending most of the day gardening, I just came in to have a bath and
wash my hair. Your blog resonates with me. I planted 40 begonias today, some of them in trouble free pots.
comment by elderjane on May 2, 2012 4:13 PM ()
I remember years back when I had the largest vegetable garden you could imagine. I worked in it daily and really loved doing it. But the high point of the day was when I finished & went for my "bath" afterward. I filled the tub with hot, soapy water, put on some tunes, got out the wire brush & enjoyed scrubbing off. It's the best feeling ever!! Good luck with the begonias xxx
reply by blogsterella on May 3, 2012 6:00 AM ()
It's always great to hear from you. That plant sounds like what we call snow on the mountain. We had it at our last house, and used metal edging to keep it in, but it would have liked to spread out into the lawn.
comment by troutbend on May 2, 2012 12:43 PM ()
That metal edging sounds like a good idea but it would take sooo much to edge it all!! Thanks anyway xxx
reply by blogsterella on May 2, 2012 1:13 PM ()

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