Prince De Silva Ayes


Prince De Silva Ayes
Reston, VA
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Arts & Culture > Poetry & Prose > Weather and the Mayan Calendar

Weather and the Mayan Calendar

I finally got to upload the update to my Tribal Pages. I now have 13, 717 ancestors logged on there.

Unfortunately the images are still skewed away from their people. That will take a lot of work getting them linked up again. No rush anymore. I still have the Slide Show going. If anyone is interested enough all the images have been tagged with names.

I've begun studying the Maya cycles of time again.
Did you know there is a scroll that tells where they came from?
They came from Tulan. The scroll describes four aspects of the same place.
Aspect one is a physical one.
Aspect 2 is a spiritual one
Aspect three is an underworld. One of Darkness like the Hopi place of origin.
Aspect 4 has to do with the cycles of time.

People who have studied the Maya have made the mistake at looking at them from a materialistic mode.
They come away thinking that the Maya were stone age genius people because they didn't have a need for a wheel or metal tools. They built great cities, temples and engineered the land for water flow so their crops would prosper. Not bad for the stone age. No? In fact their technology surpasses ours. The Maya knew that technology couldn't take them very far because it has its limits. The things they built graced the land and didn't work against nature.

There were two different Mayan cultures.
The first culture lasted until 830 - 840 AD. Then they just up and left everything behind.
The second phase of Mayan culture were much different than the first phase. The second phase was more materialistic but they held onto the sacred calendar and Quezalcoatl - Kukulcan enhanced it by updating it.

The sacred calendar is a multi layered thing just like the four aspects were for the place of origin.
If you look at our own origins you will see the same four aspects.
1: The physical which includes our genetic makeup.
2: The Macro and the Micro. We are both because we host so many different organisms without as well as within that help us tick right.
3: We have the potential to fall back into our dark animalistic origins. Murder, stealing, etc.
4: We are also multi dimensional. There are so many of us walking about it isn't funny.

You should see how many yDNA and mtDNA matches I have now. Every week I receive a notice from FTDNA about someone who matches the former. They are me and I am they.

The Mayan calendar is a four level system. Days, months, weeks and planetary cycles.
But I have a gut feeling that it is also a universal frequency codex of some sort. Specific frequencies repeat themselves during a special time in the calendar. Much like the time frame frequency that we are in now.
13 Ahau.

Look at the invasion of Georgia. Look at our weather patterns. By the way its getting cloudy outside and the cats are inside.

Its going to get wetter and wetter here in Florida before the next cycle happens. And you know what?
More hydrogen is going to be released into the atmosphere from that wetness. Water's main component is hydrogen plus oxygen. The hydrogen to oxygen ratio is higher. This means more hydrogen will be released into the air.

Farmers in Florida are already complaining about crop damage from the flooding. And we have two storms on the way that will bring more moisture to the southern states.

This means, cotton, corn, tobacco, citrus, industries will be impacted negatively.

Better stock up on your canned foods people. Also think about buying dehydrated fruits like oranges, lemons, pineapples, ginger, etc., because there will be a shortage of citrus in the coming months and years ahead. Vitamin C pills will be priced accordingly to the need and demand. This means the prices will rise just like the gas prices have.

I am seriously thinking about putting together an energy generating system based on solar energy.
I am going to begin with one solar panel for charging one deep cycle battery. Car batteries just won't do.
RV, boat type batteries are what I am talking about.

You should be thinking the same.

A storm is brewing outside m window. On many levels today.
I better sign off before the thunder and lightening begin.


Prince de Silva

posted on Aug 28, 2008 2:55 PM ()

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