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Life & Events > Sandwich, Kent, England

Sandwich, Kent, England

Richborough Roman Fort

Richborough, known as Rutupiae, was the Gateway to Britain, long before Dover. It is here that the 4 invading Legions under Aulus Plautius assembled after landing in Britain during the Claudian Invasion of A.D. 43.

Watling Street leaves by its West Gate and leads straight to Canterbury and London and North-Westward to Chester.

Richborough Castle, the modern name for what is left of the Roman fort Rutupiae, rears its great bulk against the skyline about one mile to the northwest of Sandwich. This guarded the southern side of the Wantsum channel when the sea flowed around the cliff on which the Castle stands.

It was here that Claudius' invading army landed in A.D. 43 and the ditches dug by his legionaries can still be seen.

Traces of first century wooden buildings and other remains show that Richborough was the main port of entry and supply depot during the first two centuries.

Inside the fort is a large cross of masonry resting on a deep foundation which formerly supported a large monument faced with marble and adorned with bronze statues erected A.D. 80-90, probably commemorating the conquest of Britain.

From the second half of the third century it formed, together with the Forts at Reculver, Dover, Lympne and Pevensey, a line of forts under the authority of the Count of the Saxon shore.

There was a town at the foot of the fortress called Stonar, which, unfortunately, was destroyed by a great flood in the year 1365 A.D.

Extensive excavation has brought to light foundations of many Roman buildings and numerous objects of antiquity and interest which can be seen in the museum on the site under the control of the British Heritage. In 2001 English Heritage carried out a magnetometer survey of the site surrounding the fort.
Evidence of a huge settlement has been discovered.

posted on Jan 17, 2011 3:50 PM ()


How amazing that evidence of the Roman's is still there.
comment by elderjane on Jan 18, 2011 6:04 AM ()
Archaeologists seem to be un-earthing more and more, from the Roman period - 'Time Team' will always have work!!!

reply by augusta on Jan 18, 2011 8:04 AM ()
Fascinating reading about England's history and historical sites. I wish I had done more explorations in the country when I was there years ago. Hope to return one day....
comment by marta on Jan 17, 2011 6:06 PM ()
reply by marta on Jan 18, 2011 8:48 AM ()
I had a cousin who had moved to Kent from Wales when I was still living in London. So as a child myself, I remember staying in Kent for long periods. It was my cousins mother-in-law who would take me to all the local historical sites, Kent had to offer (I have a few of them here in my bookmarks).
The roman fort of the article, I don't believe was being excavated at that time (it was such a long time ago that I used to stay there, the Romans were probably still packing their bags for the return to Rome)
It must be a fabulous site to see. There are loads, of Roman sites around here too - but, I haven't been able to explore them - yet . . . I have plans for a bit of checking this summer (weather permitting of course)
When, I win the (Euro) lottery, I will be arranging a trip (all expenses paid of course) over here! We will go exploring the countryside (We may even find a few new ancient monument)

reply by augusta on Jan 18, 2011 5:37 AM ()

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