It's Been Lovely Today, But, Now It's Raining Hard
As I brought the clothes in from the washing line, this tune sprung to mind (I was 5 when it was played on the 'wireless')!! Jane Morgan
posted on July 1, 2008 11:15 AM ()
We started our fair and sunny but by 3 pm it was raining hard, and 5 hours later still sprinkling a little. We needed this rain so much! Love the song. "A robin sang a song of love... and there we were so much in love."
Well, something is wrong with my sound! Will be back later... I don't think I know her...
Forgot to mention.thank you for the video it was super.
Oh!I love Jane Morgan.Gawd almost forgetten about her. Is she still around? speaking about rain,I looked out the window and the clouds rolling in and getting ready for a thunderstorm. We have been having this just about every day and Last week. Buffy is so petrified when this happen.