Updated: 14/02/2011 08:50
'Ghostbuster' at new ride launch

A worker at Thorpe Park investigates an area of the theme park in Surrey thought to be haunted
A paranormal "expert in residence" will be on hand at the opening of a theme park ride next month to monitor any strange activity after fears that an ancient burial ground has been disturbed.
A new ride at Thorpe Park in Surrey was moved to another part of the site after workers said they started noticing ghostly sightings nearby, including what appeared to be a headless monk.
Since details of the ghostly goings on were revealed, the park has been inundated with requests from mediums and paranormal experts and enthusiasts, to visit the site and carry out detailed research.
Managers have now decided to hire paranormal investigator Jim Arnold for the opening day of the new season, March 17, to monitor the site and the new water ride, Storm Surge.
"If the spirits are unhappy with anything, we should pick something up straight away. We'll be working with Thorpe Park to monitor the situation for the next 12 months," he said.
Mike Vallis, divisional director of Thorpe Park, said: "The interest as to whether we might have disturbed a paranormal element has been immense and advice from more than 30 paranormal mediums and religious members, who contacted the park, has been to bless the site, which we have done, for peace of mind of staff and customers."