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News & Issues > Sex Offender in Texas Runs for Mayor

Sex Offender in Texas Runs for Mayor

Registered Sex Offender In Texas Runs For Mayor
WILMER, Texas (CBS) ― On May 10, voters in a Texas town will elect a mayor. But what makes this election controversial is that a sex offender will be on the ballot.

James Brian Sliter is running for mayor of Wilmer, a town of 3,400 about 15 miles southeast of Dallas, reports CBS station KTVT-TV in Dallas.

Sliter is also a registered sex offender.

"People need to realize that people make mistakes, and they need to look past those mistakes and forgive and move on," said Sliter. "I'm not asking anybody to condone what I did."

His picture appears on the Texas Department of Public Safety sex offender Web site. It was four years ago and Sliter was 38 when he was arrested for soliciting sex from a minor.

Sliter was busted during an Internet porn sting. He was chatting online with a person he believed to be a 15-year-old girl. When he showed up for sex, the police were waiting for him.

Sliter received deferred adjudication and was placed on probation for 10years.

He was also required to register as a sex offender. His plea however kept him from being convicted of the crime. With no conviction, the 42-year-old was able to legally file as a candidate for mayor.

"I need to prove to the community that I can be an asset," Sliter said. "I can be a contributing member to society even though I made a mistake in the past."

Sliter said he's truly sorry for his mistakes. He said his friends and supporters believe him and therefore encouraged him to run for office. But one person who is not in his corner is the current mayor.

"Will a sex offender serving as mayor put a stigma on this city? You bet it will," said Wilmer Mayor Don Hudson.

Wilmer is 15 miles southeast of Dallas and has 3,400 residents.

posted on Mar 22, 2008 11:11 AM ()


Think about what sort of people will be a part of his campaign....I wonder if anyone will show up???
comment by annaswalking on Mar 22, 2008 7:52 PM ()
I don't agree with this. Sure we can forgive them, but I don't think that allowing him to run for mayor is a smart choice. I'm a skeptic. That is like saying that my son's biological father can run for mayor (he is not a registered offender, but an offender none the less). It just doesn't look good and the issue will constantly be brought up by the media, especially if he wins.
comment by blogmom on Mar 22, 2008 6:18 PM ()
During his campaign, will he be allowed to hug, hold, and kiss the little babies????? Two wrongs does not make a right!!! Maybe the great and wonderful ACLU just won a case for him, just their type of right.
comment by oldfatguy on Mar 22, 2008 5:02 PM ()
Aside from the legal technicality of having had adjudication withheld, thus avoiding a "conviction," this offense involves moral turpitude and ought to disqualify anyone from public office. He can cry about being forgiven for past "mistakes" all he wants; this goes well beyond any so-called mistake and involves being a bad person.
comment by looserobes on Mar 22, 2008 4:22 PM ()
I agree with pecan. You can forgive someone, but with a crime this major, I think that he could prove his value in a less imposing way!
comment by angiedw on Mar 22, 2008 11:46 AM ()
I believe in forgiveness and doing the time, etc...I also see how some people get in to trouble, with the girls/boys, these days(esp online). However, the message this sends--not a good one, in my opinion.
comment by annaswalking on Mar 22, 2008 11:30 AM ()
I don't think giving this man power as an authority figure is a good idea. Some mistakes are bigger than others.....he did not steal a pack of gum, he was trying to have sex with a kid!!
comment by pecan on Mar 22, 2008 11:21 AM ()

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