Andrew Tung SK


Andrew Tung SK
Scarborough, ON
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Sports & Recreation > Soccer ... ..20081003

Soccer ... ..20081003

is not  just about kicking a ball! Here are just a few life lessons to be learnt from playing or watching soccer:
@_@ Before you start kicking the ball you should practise falling without breaking your hands, legs, neck, spine or whatever for sooner or later you will have to fall off your feet.
)_( Protect yourself with the most expensive pair of boots you can afford. Protect your shins and all the vulnerable parts of your body for your opponents may not be just kicking the ball !
>_> You must learn to pretend to go one way when you want to go the other way. Otherwise you are a dead target.
<_< Run to your position only at the last second in order to fool those marking you.
!_! You must be brutal to all those out to cause you injuries. Never allow yourself to be injured unless, of course, you wish to be injured.
@_@ Watch out for attackers and do not be surprised by them.
-_- If the attacker is bigger and stronger than you do not go head-on with him. Kick the ball away and run away.
>_> If the attacker is smaller and weaker than you threaten to go head-on with him.
@_@ Watch out for crazy and unpredictable members of your own team who may cause you to stumble and crack your head all the more because you never expect them to do so.
*_* Do not be selfish and keep on playing the ball to yourself. Keep passing the ball.
#_# You may entertain the crowd with all kinds of tricks but they are all useless if you do not score any goals.
^_^ Co-operate only with those who are co-operative. Do not co-operate with show-offs and prima-donnas even though they are in your team.
&_& Align yourself with the right team-mates if you are interested in scoring goals. Be prepared for people saying you are useless even though you may be working hard to set opportunities for others to score goals. If people think you are useless just be useless. Do not play the ball and see what happens.
%_% You can be so good that everbody depend only on you to run all over the field to cover everybody's position and commit suicide by so doing. You will die a hero and get sweet eulogies and lots of flowers but is that what you want ?
?_? Any other good life lessons from playing or watching soccer ?

posted on Oct 3, 2008 7:28 AM ()

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