World Comics India (WCI) is collective of cartoonists, media persons and grassroots activists. WCI promotes comics as a communication tool and as mode of self-expression in remote and difficult areas South Asia and other countries.
site has Comic from around the world.
My son has a subscription to "Shonen JUMP", The World's Most Popular Manga.
I suggested he and his friends that are into Mythology and are computer artists to do Comics based on Mythology.
Great way to learn the Myths and anything else. Who hasn't read a Comic Book.
Did you know .....Comic Book Museums?
Finnish Comics Society / Suomen Sarjakuvaseura ry
"...In 1971 the Amos Anderson Art Museum in Helsinki arranged an international comics exhibition, and at the same time the Finnish Comics Society was founded. Members of the Society are comics artists, readers, collectors, critics and researchers. The Society gives information about comics to public as well as to different governmental and cultural organizations...
The Society publishes a quarterly called Sarjainfo...
The site includes links to the major international comics sites and maintains a comprehensive list to Finnish sites.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comics in Specific Countries and
Europe || Finland || France || Germany || Hong Kong || Italy || Japan || Kenya .... WebLink: Bedeteca de Lisboa : Lisbon's comics museum. ...
The Finnish-Institute in London - Arts
The largest art museum in the country. Includes: The Ateneum Art Museum; the Museum of ... The Finnish Comics Society is an association of makers, readers, ...
option=com_content&task=view&id=24&Itemid=53&lang=en -
Museums and Museum Sites
Widely regarded as the most famous art museum in the world with the most .... many more "mainstream" cartoon and comic strips are represented at the Museum. ...
European Comics Collection
Which American literary hero is the most famous throughout the world? Is it Superman, Tarzan, or Mickey Mouse? In our European comics collection, ... -