A really interesting interview can be read here..
"WE ARE HERE TO SEEK OUR PURPOSE AND STRIVE TO ACHIEVE IT. ANYTHING LESS IS A WASTE OF EXISTENCE. This applies to an individual, a community, a nation and an entire civilization. I felt that I had found my own purpose, to demystify earthquakes, to demonstrate that they are predictable and to inform the public without political influence."
~~ Jim Berkland
Jim Berkland is a geologist with impressive credentials.
He holds a master degree in Geology and worked on his doctorate degree at the University of California at Davis. He has developed a system for earthquake predictions and maintains a remarkable record. He continues to his work despite the lack of support of mainstream scientists.
His website, Syzygy, started in 1997, continues to inform and educate the public regarding earthquake and their predictions. In December 2005 a book called The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes, by Cal Orey