by Nancy Atkinson on March 14, 2011
Arahama, Japan after the disaster. Satellite image courtesy of GeoEye.
Photos from the GeoEye satellite imaging company from before and after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan show sobering views from above of the disaster. Above is the town of Sendai, Japan after the quake, below is how it looked before catastrophe struck.
Arahama, Japan before the disaster. Satellite image courtesy of GeoEye.
See more below.Arahama, Japan before the disaster. Satellite image courtesy of GeoEye.
The Day the Earth Sped Up.The quake in Japan shaved about one-millionth of second off our day and tilted the planet's axis by several inches
- This image shows a projection of tsunami wave heights following the 8.9-magnitude quake.
- Click to enlarge this image.
NOAA - Article by By Irene Klotz Mon Mar 14, 2011 Discovery News
This weekend, it wasn't just the shift to Daylight Saving Time that
reset our clocks. Mother Nature tweaked time by speeding up Earth's spin
a bit in response to the killer earthquake that rocked Japan on Friday. "There was a redistribution of an enormous amount of the Earth's
crust," theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, with the City College of New
York, told Discovery News. "It actually shortened the time of the day,
and also shifted the axis of the Earth." The 8.9-magnitude quake -- the fifth largest in recorded history --
shaved about one-millionth of second off our day and tilted the planet's
axis by several inches. Looking to help the victims of the disaster in Japan? Make your contribution to GlobalGiving's relief fund here. Kaku says the phenomenon is similar to what happens when a dancer folds in his or her arms and speeds up in a spin. The shifting of tectonic plates beneath the Pacific Ocean opened up a
crack about 250 miles long, causing a good portion of Earth's crust to
tumble inside. "We know how much the Earth contracted as consequence of that, then you do the math," Kaku said. SLIDE SHOW: Japan: Before and After the Disaster While the speeding up of Earth isn't expected to have any immediate or long term impacts, the tilt of the axis might. "There is still a scientific debate as to what causes ice ages," Kaku
said. "The leading theory is that there are tiny perturbations in the
axis of the Earth as it turns around the sun that accumulate with time.
These small shifts, this wobbling of the axis of the Earth may in fact
cause ice ages." "Every century, we have several of these monster earthquakes so it's
hard to estimate exactly how much of an impact this earthquake would
have on an ice age, for example," Kaku added. SLIDE SHOW: Top Five Cities on Faults The earthquake was the most powerful to hit Japan since official
record-keeping began in late 1800s, says the U.S. Geological Survey. It struck about 80 miles off Japan's east coast, roughly 240 miles
northeast of Tokyo, at a depth of six miles. The death toll from the
earthquake, a massive tsunami that followed, and an ongoing serious of
aftershocks is expected to reach in the thousands.
There's a maelstrom of energy happening in and around us this week. We
need to strive for inner quiet in order to navigate the twists and turns
ahead. Make time for quiet reflection. Make it a priority. AS we
find time to tend to the rich territory of the internal world, external
circumstances will feel less impacting. From there we create the space
we need to find the path. Let us find time for rest now even though the
call to action is strong. MORE AT LINK>>>>

Current Earthquake Activity USGS

Water levels dropped precipitously Monday inside a stricken Japanese
nuclear reactor, twice leaving the uranium fuel rods completely exposed
and raising the threat of a meltdown, hours after a hydrogen explosion
tore through the building housing a different reactor.
Crew of USS Ronald Reagan exposed to radiation: report  AFP - March 14, 2011
The crew of the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, on a humanitarian
mission to Japan, received a month's worth of radiation in about an
hour, The New York Times reported.
Anxious Europe examines nuclear safety after Japan quake  AFP - March 14, 2011
Japan's nuclear emergency Monday prompted Germany and Switzerland to
halt nuclear programmes as anxious Europe scrambled to review
cross-border safety while safeguarding the powerful industry. With some
150 reactors scattered across the continent in half as many nuclear
power plants -- some located in seismic areas -- the European Union
convened emergency talks Tuesday of energy ministers, national nuclear
safety officials and big nuclear companies.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Two Suns: China May Have No Explanation for Dual Sunset but Astronomers Do. The sighting is believed to be an optical illusion ... but then again isn't everything? It's all about the quest for
answers and the synchronicities that follow. The video below is in
Chinese but very cool to watch.
'Two suns' spotted in China defy explanation
Saturday's Super Moon takes us to "The Return of Nibiru Theories" (like a binary sun) and alleged destruction that follows on
the planet. It does seem to be happening doesn't it ... yet I don't see
Nibiru. If it's real ... this is the time to see it.
N. Zealand skeptics defy 'Moonman' quake prophecy  AFP - March 14, 2011
Geologists, engineers and like-minded sceptics will meet in
earthquake-devastated Christchurch Sunday to mock "junk science"
predictions another major tremor will hit the city this weekend. Ken
Ring, a quasi-mystic mathematician known as the "Moonman", claims he
predicted last month's 6.3-magnitude quake by studying the moon and has
warned another tremor will rock New Zealand's second-largest city on
March 20.Nibiru 3 march 2011 latest news