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Education > Full Wolf Moon ... .Earthquakes in the News ...

Full Wolf Moon ... .Earthquakes in the News ...

Wolf Moon, Moon After Yule, Ice Moon

• Full Wolf Moon - January Amid the cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. Thus, the name for January's full Moon. Sometimes it was also referred to as the Old Moon, or the Moon After Yule. Some called it the Full Snow Moon, but most tribes applied that name to the next Moon.
Full Moon in Cancer: Cancer rules emotional healing of all kinds and this mystic rectangle opens the way to bring love back to all your relationships; especially between family members. Venus in Pisces lends a tender, openness to communicating difficult, yet important feelings to others; especially those surrounding issues of abuse, manipulation (Pluto) or anger (Mars.) The mystic rectangle will support truth-telling that is gentle yet firm. Couple this with the compassion of Moon in Cancer and we have an ideal time for healing estrangements and conflicts.
Written just eighty-four years before Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon, this is a Victorian collection of moon lore: myths, folklore, superstitions and just plain whimsy from all lands. Although contemporary astronomers had fairly well wrapped up the question of whether there was water and air on the moon, Harley still suspected that the moon was inhabited. However, there was still much that was unknown about the moon until the first probes were crash-landed on it (for instance, whether the surface was covered with vast, deep layers of dust). So we shouldn't feel too smug, even though we've played golf there. The universe will continue to surprise us.
Moon Lore by Rev. Timothy Harley (1885).
From National Geographic:
Can the Moon Cause Earthquakes?
James O. Berkland is a Glen Ellen, California-based geologist and editor of Syzygy—An Earthquake Newsletter. He believes the gravitational tugs of the moon, sun, and other planets can influence earthquake activity. Berkland said he has accurately predicted tremors based on factors such as syzygy. "Syzygy" refers to the alignment of three celestial objects. Syzygy of the sun, Earth, and moon occur twice a month, at the full and new moons. At such times, gravitational forces are at a maximum, especially when the bodies are close together, Berkland said.
Using syzygy and other factors—such as the number of cats and dogs listed in the lost and found in newspaper classified advertisements—Berkland said he accurately predicted several earthquakes, including the October 17, 1989 earthquake in San Francisco, California. Berkland said the number of cats and dogs reported missing goes up prior to an earthquake. The numbers went up significantly prior to the 1989 San Francisco quake, he said.
At least two major quakes may suppoort Berkland's theory. The December 26, 2004, magnitude 9.1 in Sumatra, Indonesia, occurred on the day of a full moon. Likewise, the March 27, 1964, magnitude 9.2 earthquake in Alaska occurred on the day of maximum high tide.
According to Berkland, such correlations are more than coincidences. They demonstrate a true connection between the moon and earthquake activity, he said.
But Bellini, the U.S. Geological Survey geophysicist, said, "There is still no known observation of an effect related to the moon and seismicity."
In a follow-up email to National Geographic News, Bellini questioned the scientific validity of Berkland's predictions. He said they appear to be "self-selected statistical analysis of historical seismicity rates and are so vague in time and location that they are certain to be correct."
YET we also have this in the News:EARTHQUAKES
4.5 quake shakes Southern California CNN - January 9, 2009
Seismologists seek to unravel Yellowstone quake 'swarm' Salt Lake Tribune - January 9, 2009
Yellowstone Lake Earthquake Swarm Summary as of 8 January 2009 USGS - January 9, 2009
6.1 Costa Rica quake kills two girls CNN - January 8, 2009
IRIS Seismic Monitor USGS Ongoing Updates and Links

The obvious Moon's influence on the tidal movements of the oceanic water is known since a long time. An analogous influence on the movements of the Earth's crust is theoretically not so much evident and observationally not so clear. Therefore the Moon's influence on the triggering of the earthquakes is still strongly disputed. Here, I would like to give my explanation to this controversy.
It is unquestionable that some tragic earthquakes had happened exactly during the full-moon phase, the most dramatic of them, to which I could remember, was the Kobe earthquake in January 1995 and the Sumatra earthquake in December 2004. However, as I have already shown in my first book ("The cosmic carousel of life"), the observation of the Moon's motion alone gives us no reason to suppose, that it is the true trigger of the earthquakes. In order to illustrate such a study, let's see our diagram below, presenting all 115 earthquakes with a magnitude 7.1 or greater, that occured on the Earth between January 2000 and December 2007 together with all phases of the Moon during this period.
: to see chart and learn more....

posted on Jan 10, 2009 8:03 AM ()

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