"Faith" is the substance of things "hoped for" the evidence of things not seen."
Choosing to foster a mind-set of abundance creates an attitude of prosperity that can attract more abundant circumstances. Because we tend to create what we focus our thoughts on, focusing on lack will continue to make us feel as if we are lacking in some area. If we can instead choose to focus on the abundance we already have, we will be emitting positive energy that can actually attract more abundance. We are then consciously affirming to the universe that we welcome wealth and abundance in all forms, and we increase the likelihood that prosperity will manifest in our lives. Combine your strong ambition with an attitude of abundance today, and you can put forth powerful energy to attract the prosperity you desire.
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." - Buddha
Nature produces a harvest in exact proportion to and based on the kind and quality of the seed that is planted.
It is not woo woo esoterc nonsense…it is scientific as well as spiritual fact. It is based on profound timeless teachings that can and will transform your entire physical existence.
Thought (consciousness) serves as the seed...the unseen cause for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that exists and is experienced in your physical world whether physically, financially, relationally, emotionally or spiritually.
It is the creative seed that is responsible for and will produce your harvest. It is the simplicity of the continually unfolding process of creation clearly revealed.
To put this process to work to bring about “desired†outcomes, you only need become conscious of your consciousness. To consciously observe what are you creating with your thoughts.
Examine and become conscious of the thoughts that are creating your reality...Change your mind.
What seeds are you planting? What “beliefs†do you hold on to that are creating your predominant thought processes which are creating your current reality?
What energy are you projecting that will without fail correlates with its object. What are you attracting?
Awaken…become aware…observe it…become conscious of it and you’ll understand completely what and why you are experiencing the current events, conditions and circumstances in the area ofmoney and every other area of your life.
So…what’s the next step? What is it that created these subatomic particles. What Source were these energy packets derived from?
From a scientific perspective that is yet to be determined and proven.
From the timeless teachings of the greatest and wisest spiritual teachers to have ever walked the earth, who haven’t missed yet…it is the Creator. It is the Source of your understanding whatever that might be for you. It is the I AM that I AM. It is EVERYTHING that is was or ever will be. It is the Kingdom of God.
It was this Source that first thought and then spoke everything into existence. Until it was thought of NOTHING existed. It was ALL derived from pure consciousness...Universal Consciousness. The Ultimate Source from where it ALL began.
You being an individual, have an individual consciousness and an inalienable right of free will to utilize it as you choose. This individual aspect of consciousness is interconnected with the Source of all consciousness. It is a part of the whole which is necessary to make the whole.You ARE an integral part of the whole.
As spiritual text clearly states...
You were created in the image and likeness of God...The Source.
The Whole...this Source consists of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that can be conceived in mind. Everything ALREADY exists. All that is missing is your willingness to conceive it and believe in it’s manifestation.
You have been provided the ability to call forth anything and everything that can be conceived in mind at the level of consciousness.
The kingdom of God is within you. You have creative power to call forth and experience anything and everything in the kingdom limited only by YOUR choosing and willingness to "believe."
Jesus Christ taught it. “I am come that ye might have life and have it in abundance.â€
"Believe that ye receive and it shall be given.â€
Buddha taught it. “All we are is the result of our thoughts. Through our thoughts we make our world.
Science has proven it. “All things already exist within the field as a probability of existence. The Law of Attraction is the law by which “thought†correlates with its object.
Nature clearly reveals it through simple observation of its abundant and infinite supply which continually expands and reproduces itself over and over again and sustains the entire Universe.
ALL of it, regardless of which avenue of study you may prefer to discover it leads to the very same understanding, only expressed in different words. All of Creation is the result of energy…of a seed…of belief…all of which are derived from consciousness which you are an integral part of as a result of your individual consciousness which you have the ability as well as the inalienable right of free will to utilize as you choose.
Harmonize with the energy of money and money will flow to you. It's not limited to money. It works that way with EVERYTHING in your life in EVERY area of your life...physically...financially...relationally...emotionally,,,spiritually.

Stop chasing money...Stop chasing wealth...Stop chasing success... Stop chasing anything. It’s already yours. You’re already connected to it.
Just become conscious of how to call it to you. Harmonize with it…â€believe†that it’s yours…think on it…be grateful for it…plant the seed which produces it and you will attract and experience it in your life.
Stop “wanting it†and start having it…right now. You already do you know. You only need to become conscious of it...allow it to flow to you and you WILL experience it.
Above all change your mind about your life and your life will change.
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
It's ALL really very simple...once you make the conscious choice to set aside EVERYTHING you've ever been led to "believe" and make an undying commitment to discover if what you have been taught to be truth is merely a "perception" of truth or based on "Higher Truth." Either one will produce the outcomes in your life just as you choose and "believe" they will without fail.
Expand your truth and you will expand your physical experiences. Choose that for yourself.
Now…go forth and prosper and spread the good news to those who have a desire to hear.
https://www.abundance-and-happiness.com/free-resources.html FREE
www.trans4mind.com/.../index-success-abundance/ FREE