Most of you know by now what my post are about. Today I received this and I'm going to take action and do this since we do have credit cards and I've received notices of changes!
Dear friend,
What would be a great holiday present from the Senate this year? No... not a pony. Amidst the credit crisis that is wrapping Americans in greater and greater debt, how about telling our lawmakers that we want them to end abusive credit card lending practices.
Currently, credit card companies are able to change the rules of the game midstream by arbitrarily hiking your interest rates. But a deal should be a deal.
The House has already passed a strong credit card reform bill, but the Senate has yet to act. The Credit Card Act of 2008 (S. 3252) would force credit card companies to act ethically, enforcing regulations that would stop them from hiking interest rates on your existing balances, give you time between the bill and the due date so you can always pay on time, and more.
Taxpayers are paying for the $700 billion dollar Wall Street bailout – it's about time we get a fair deal out of the situation. Tell your Senators to stand up for your rights and pass the Credit Card Act today!
Thanks for taking action!
Care2 Campaign Team
Stopping companies from hiking interest rates on existing balances.
* Stopping them from applying your monthly payment to low-interest debt first.
* Giving you time between the bill and the due date so you can always pay on time.
* Stopping interest charges on debts paid off the previous month.
Support reform that will stop unfair corporate practices and protect Americans from a financial meltdown. Tell the U.S. Senate to stand up for the rights of American citizens and pass the Credit Card Act.