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Arts & Culture > 3/22/11..dream Day of Christ ???

3/22/11..dream Day of Christ ???

It's 2011 and with that people wonder about the fate of the planet,
humanity, and reality itself based on prophecies both old and new,
accelerating Earth changes, and our own growing intuition and dreams
about what, if anything, is destined to happen. You've read the
theories, watched the documentaries and films, and by now have probably
formulated your own conclusions.
My dream upon waking this morning I heard..."DAY OF CHRIST" ??????So I searched about that. Reference to it seems to..This event is portrayed in Scripture in two
phases. The first phase of the Lord’s Coming will be for the gathering
of His saints (believers, body of Christ, the Church), in which the dead
in Christ shall rise first and those who are still alive on the earth
will be caught up in the gathering with them to be joined to Christ In
Scripture, this day is known as “The Day of Christ,”
in which the
following verses will demonstrate that the “Day of Christ” is
significantly meant and addressed to the church of God.

Phi 1:10 "That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;"
Phi 2:16 "Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ
that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain."

2Th. 2: 1-2
"Now we beseech you, brethren, by
the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto
him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by
spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ
is at hand."

      Very significant to our
understanding of the “Day of Christ” is this latter verse. There were
false teachings circulating among the Christians at Thessalonica,
claiming that the Day of Christ had already occurred. These rumors
understandably caused a disturbance among the congregants of the church
and are expressed using the terms “shaken in mind” or “troubled.” Paul
instructs them that the Day of Christ has not occurred unless two
conditions are fulfilled, we read as follows:

2 Th.2: 3-4
"Let no man deceive you by any
means: for that day shall not come, except (unless) there come a falling
away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of
perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called
God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the
temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

     First, I would like to note
that in the above verse "that day shall not come" are words that are
added to the text by the editors of the KJV.  As we see in verse 2,
and what is clear, is Paul's instruction that the day of Christ will not
occur until we see a "falling away" or "departure,"  in which the man
of sin will no longer be restrained.  When these things happen, then we
can know that the
day of Christ is certainly at hand.  

In the dream I also saw a whole web page post I did and it was all about Native American's. So are these two things connected?
Searching NA,

How the Ancient American Calendar Testifies of Christ by John P. Pratt

God commanded Moses to celebrate certain holy days on the Hebrew
Calendar, and when Christ
came, key events in his life occurred on those holy days. Similarly,
Native American traditions
claim that God created a calendar with symbolic days called the Sacred
The same dates in the Savior's life also coincided with
appropriate days on that calendar, so the calendars of two nations
witness to his divinity. Moreover, the planets Mercury and Venus add
their witness to each of these dates. In a rare calendrical alignment,
this coming Easter Sunday is not only the day Venus resurrects, it is
also the Savior's birthday on the Sacred Round.
Venus and Mercury are the two planets that orbit closest to the Sun. Mercury orbits at an average distance of 58 million
km, while Venus orbits at a distance of 108 million km. Mercury takes
88 Earth days to complete an orbit, and Venus takes 225 days to orbit
the Earth.

See Mercury at Sunset

March 14, 2011: The timing couldn't be better.
Just as NASA's MESSENGER probe is about to enter orbit around Mercury,
the innermost planet is popping out of the twilight for its best
apparition of 2011.
The show begins on March 14th. At the end of the day, go outside
and look west into the sunset. A bright star catches your eye—that's
Jupiter. Just below it lies Mercury, a little dimmer than the giant
planet, but easy to find with Jupiter's guidance.
See Mercury at Sunset (Pete Lawrence, 550px)
Jupiter (left) and Mercury (right) photographed at sunset on March 13, 2011, by Pete Lawrence of Selsey, UK. [larger image]

Over the next few evenings, these two planets will "pass in the
night," switching places so that Mercury is on top and Jupiter on the
bottom. The higher Mercury rises, the easier it is to see. By the
evening of March 17th, the innermost planet should be well above any
distant trees or buildings—in prime position for the big event.

March 17th is the night MESSENGER goes into orbit. This has been a long time coming. MESSENGER was launched in Aug.
2004. Since then it has looped around the sun 15 times, flown by three
planets for multiple gravity assists, and traveled some 5 billion miles.
If getting there sounds tricky, that's because it is. Mercury races
around the sun faster than 100,000 mph, making it difficult to catch.
Moreover, a spacecraft at Mercury has to endure terrific heat and
dangerous solar flares. In the whole history of the space age, only two
ships have dared fly by the planet—Mariner 10 in 1974-75 and MESSENGER
itself in 2008-2009.

Deep mysteries await MESSENGER when it arrives. There are hints
that Mercury has been shrinking—how is that possible? The poles of
Mercury contain some highly reflective material—could it be ice? What
shapes Mercury’s long comet-like tail? What makes Mercury so dense? Are
any of Mercury’s volcanic craters "fresh"? MESSENGER is bristling with
instruments specifically designed to answer these questions and many
Author: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA

January 2011
From now until December 21, 2012,
you are going to hear many doomsday scenarios - some plausible - few
credible - most not possible. They all lead to an inner knowing that
the Earth experience as we know it, is about to change. We see it
unfolding with natural disasters, weather patterns, human and animal
behavior, pole shifts, human consciousness, and more.
On the celestial list of doomsday events that won't destroy planet Earth we find:

  • Return of Nibiru

  • Betelgeuse going Supernova and destroying Earth

Betelgeuse is the
ninth brightest star in the night sky and second brightest star in the
constellation of Orion, outshining its neighbor Rigel only rarely. Distinctly reddish-tinted, it is a semiregular variable star whose
apparent magnitude varies between 0.2 and 1.2, the widest range of any
first magnitude star. The star marks the upper right vertex of the
Winter Triangle and center of the Winter Hexagon.
Classified as a red supergiant, Betelgeuse is one of the largest and
most luminous stars known. If it were at the center of our Solar System,
its surface would extend past the asteroid belt possibly to the orbit
of Jupiter and beyond, wholly engulfing Mercury, Venus, the Earth and
However, with distance estimates in the last century that have ranged
anywhere from 180 to 1,300 light years from Earth, calculating its
diameter, luminosity and mass have proven difficult. Betelgeuse is
currently thought to lie around 640 light years away, yielding a mean
absolute magnitude of about -6.05.

Current estimates of the star's diameter range from about .043 to .056
arcseconds, a moving target at best as Betelgeuse appears to change
shape periodically. Because of limb darkening, variability, and angular
diameters that vary with wavelength, the star remains a perplexing
mystery. To complicate matters further, Betelgeuse has a complex, asymmetric
envelope caused by colossal mass loss involving huge plumes of gas being
expelled from its surface. There is even evidence of stellar companions
orbiting within this gaseous envelope, possibly contributing to the
star's eccentric behavior.  Astronomers believe Betelgeuse is only 10 million years old, but has
evolved rapidly because of its high mass. It is thought to be a runaway
star from the Orion OB1 Association, which also includes the late type O
and B stars in Orion's belt - Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. Currently
in a late stage of stellar evolution, Betelgeuse is expected to explode
as a type II supernova, possibly within the next million years.


In the News ...

Don't Panic! Betelgeuse Won't Explode in 2012   Discovery - January 22, 2011
Betelgeuse is a dying star. It's reached the end of the line and
currently in the terminal throes of shedding vast bubbles of gas into
space. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star and it's so massive that it
will detonate as a supernova. With all this drama happening 640
light-years away in the constellation of Orion, there's little wonder
that this tumultuous star is easy headline bait.
2012 Rumors that won't happen
The infamous red super-giant star in Orion’Äôs nebula -- Betelgeuse --
is predicted to go gangbusters and the impending super-nova may reach
Earth before 2012, and when it does, all of our wildest Star Wars dreams
will come true," the article says.
2012? Really?
The last time Betelgeuse hit the news was when research revealed the
star was shrinking. But as pointed out by astronomers, this shrinkage
could be part of a natural cycle, or it could be that Betelgeuse isn't
symmetrical. Naturally, people got all weird about this fascinating
science and concluded that a big boom was imminent.
And now we have some 2012 nonsense thrown into the equation. Even though
it is abundantly clear that Betelgeuse is far enough away just to give
us a safe firework display and not a roasting when it does go supernova,
it seems the temptation is just too great for some doomsday theorists
and tabloid writers.
There is absolutely no indication that the star will explode in the next
year or so. Even the most advanced telescopes and sophisticated
computer models cannot predict an exploding star with that precision!
By the article's own admission, the supernova might not happen for a
million years -- begging the question as to why a half-baked 2012
Betelgeuse doomsday theory is even being mentioned. Betelgeuse is a
fascinating star, but don't be concerned about its planet-killing
ability. It's too far away and it might not go "gangbusters" for another
million years.
Another article from 2010
Betelgeuse sparks doomsday debate   MSNBC - June 2, 2010
Is the constellation Orion's famous red supergiant due to go supernova
sometime in the next few months? Mmmm, not likely, says Phil Plait, the
scientist and skeptic who runs the Bad Astronomy website. And even if
Betelgeuse does blow up, it won't pose a threat to Earth, he says.

So conclusion??? I have no idea???Ana

posted on Mar 22, 2011 10:09 AM ()


I doubt the 2012 earth doomsayers, but if humans don't become earth-loving souls, humans and many living things will indeed be doomed one day.
comment by marta on Mar 23, 2011 12:19 PM ()
And today is AJ's (lunarhunk) birthday--he is getting old--I knew him when he was a 'pup'
comment by greatmartin on Mar 22, 2011 10:15 AM ()
Well I'll have to skip over and wish him happy returns of this day. Thanks for stopping by
reply by anacoana on Mar 22, 2011 10:19 AM ()

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