March 27, 2008 -- An international spacecraft that dove
through geysers erupting from the surface of a
Saturn moon found
organic matter, one of many ingredients that make an environment hospitable to
extraterrestrial life, scientists said.
The discovery excited mission team members, who say it's a marker for further
research into whether the icy satellite Enceladus has such an environment.
The chemical analysis by the unmanned
Cassini spacecraft revealed that Enceladus' interior was
similar to that of a comet.
While the jet plumes were mostly water vapor, the probe found traces of
methane and simple organic compounds, said Hunter Waite of the Southwest
Research Institute, who is the principal investigator of one of the spacecraft's
"We clearly have the organics and are closing in on the
question of liquid
water in the interior," Waite said.
In 2005, Cassini spied gigantic geysers spewing from fractures known as tiger
stripes on the moon's south pole. Scientists theorized that reservoirs of liquid
water below the surface were likely supplying the ice and vapor seen in the
The flyby two weeks ago took Cassini within 30 miles from the surface of
Enceladus, the shiniest object in the solar system. During the encounter, the
spacecraft barreled through the icy geyser plumes at 32,000 mph and an altitude
of 120 miles.
Detailed heat maps of the lunar surface revealed the south pole is warmer
than previously thought. Temperature measurements show the region is at least
minus 135 degrees Fahrenheit -- 63 degrees hotter than previously known.
Cassini scientist John Spencer of the
Southwest Research Institute said the high temperatures likely
indicate that liquid water may lurk beneath the surface.
Scientists generally agree the presence of water, organic compounds and a
stable heat source are needed to support primitive life.
Scientists not involved with the mission said while the discovery of organics
is important in the
search for extraterrestrial life, the fact that they resemble
comet material casts doubt on whether liquid water is present.
"Suppose they had seen complex organics ... That would be interpreted to mean
that liquid water was present and that chemical reactions had gone forward
toward forming life," said Bruce Jakosky, an astrobiologist at the University of
"That we don't see those things suggests that liquid water is not abundant or
that energy sources are not present," he said.