Fly Me to
the Moon ... Forever
By Clara
Staff Writer
posted: 28 March 2008
12:05 p.m. ET

The general public may soon have the chance to rest in peace
on the moon, at least briefly. Houston-based Celestis, Inc. has announced plans
to launch cremated human remains to the surface of the moon as soon as
A small portion — 1 gram — of the
encapsulated cremated remains of one person can be sent
to the moon for $9,995. The price includes the option of watching the
launch, an inscription of the deceased's name on an accompanying plaque, and
complimentary scattering of the remainder of the remains at sea near the launch
For $29,985, Celestis will launch 14 grams total of the
cremated remains of two people together.
These prices do not include cremation, which can generally
cost about $2,000, said Doug Sholette, funeral director of the Frary Funeral
Home in Ogdensburg, N.Y. For comparison, coffin burials on Earth usually cost at
least $5,000, Sholette said.
One gram of cremated remains is less than 1 percent of the
average person's remains, which usually
weigh 3 to 5 pounds, Sholette said.
When Celestis sends a person's ashes to the moon, they stay within a capsule in a spacecraft on the lunar surface forever,
and are not dispersed.
"We are pleased to schedule these Luna
Service missions, to extend our leadership in the commercial space industry, and
— most importantly — to serve our global community of families and loved ones
wishing to honor the life of a special person," said Charles M.
Chafer, Celestis founder and president.
Celestis has partnered with Odyssey Moon
Limited and Astrobotic Technology, Inc., which will do the actual transporting
of the remains to the moon.
Future customers won't be the first people
to have their remains spread on the moon. In 1998, Celestis, at the request of
NASA, provided a Luna Flight Capsule to the family and friends of the late
legendary astronomer and planetary geologist Eugene Shoemaker. The Celestis
Flight Capsule, containing a symbolic portion of Shoemaker's cremated remains,
was attached to NASA's Lunar
Prospector spacecraft and launched on a one-year
mission orbiting the moon.
On July 31, 1999, at the completion of Lunar
Prospector's mission, the spacecraft was
intentionally crashed into the moon's south pole, making Shoemaker the first
human to be laid to rest on another celestial body. NASA called the memorial "a
special honor for a special human being."
Since 1997, Celestis has been sending human
remains into Earth orbit. The company conducted six memorial spaceflights for
people from 14 nations, including "Star
Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry, Mercury astronaut
Gordon Cooper and "Star
Trek" actor James
Doohan ("Scotty"). The next Celestis mission, set for June 2008, will send
the remains of 205 participants to Earth orbit aboard a Falcon 1
- Private
Rocket Launches Ashes of Star Trek's Scotty, Astronaut to Suborbital Space - IMAGES:
Twenty Great Rocket Launches - All About The Moon