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Our Money

Our Money

Henry Ford once said, “It
is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and
monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution
before tomorrow morning.”

Are you confused by all the talk about monetary policy, fiat money and inflation?
You’re not alone. Bankers and politicians have worked hand in hand for
many decades to obscure their activities from the public. They hide
behind elaborate structures designed to inflate the money supply while
creating the false impression that they are looking out for our best interests.
Inflation is a very simple concept to understand: More money = less value. It seem contradictory but it’s very straightforward.
For illustration purposes, join me on a brief journey of the
imagination. One beautiful morning, you wake up and realize that you
own twice as much cash as you had just last night. Magic money elves
entered your home and bank account and simply doubled your entire cash
assets. You’re now twice as wealthy (or half as poor as the case may
But you soon realize that the same thing happened to everyone else in the country. The money supply (total amount of money) has doubled! It’s just a one-time event and
your regular income remains the same… you just got lucky this one time.
It’s okay to dream, so stay with me.
What happens next? If you’re like most people, you probably start
spending. You buy things you always wanted to buy but couldn’t afford.
You pay back some debts. You buy stocks. In other words, you put the
new money into circulation. So do most other people in the country.
Demand for many products increases because a lot more people can afford them now. Consumers are buying so much stuff that some shortages occur. To protect themselves against these shortages, shops and
businesses decide to increase their prices. They know that once prices
go up, fewer people will be competing to buy the same products, and the
situation will be back to normal.
As a side effect of these higher prices, shop owners start earning
higher profits than usual. They have more money in their bank accounts,
which allows them to increase their spending. They will invest in new
stock or expand their business. They might pay out dividends to their
investors and bonuses to their employees, allowing these people to buy
more products as well. This additional demand puts even more pressure
on other shops to increase their prices.
A few weeks later, prices of almost everything have gone
up. Suppliers and manufacturers are faced with the same threat of too
much sudden demand from their clients so they too decide to start
charging more.
You went on a one-time buying spree and look what happened! Your
income stayed the same, but after a few weeks you can suddenly no
longer afford the products you used to buy all the time because all prices in the economy have gone up.
Naturally, you demand a higher salary from your employer. If you’re
self-employed or in business, you have to charge your customers more
money just so that you can maintain your standard of living. Everyone
else is in the same situation. Higher prices keep spreading throughout
the entire economy, and it’s getting more and more difficult to make a
Can you see how this lucky one-time incident which at first seemed
so exciting was extremely harmful not just for you but for the entire
country? You briefly had a good time but now you’re worse off than
before. In our story there are now twice as many dollars in
circulation, but your income remains the same and each dollar you earn
is worth only about half as much as it used to be. You’re really hoping
for those money elves to come back.
Let’s stop dreaming and look at the reality of things. What if I
told you that these “money elves” do exist and that they spring into
action not just once in a lifetime, but every couple of weeks? And that
they repeatedly give money to their closest friends, but not to you?
That prices are going up because the total amount of money in
circulation increases, but that you’re missing out on all the fun?
Well, that’s inflation at work. Who benefits from inflation? Only
those who are at the top of the pyramid and receive all that new money
directly from the source. As you might have guessed by now, the source
is the Federal Reserve, and its recipients include the government which
“borrows” a lot of new money each year, without any intention of ever
paying it back. Another beneficiary these days are failed banks that
are being “bailed out” for the good of the “economy”, or defense
contractors that receive money to build up our military so we can have
a constant presence all over the world and fight never-ending and
unnecessary wars.
What, then, is fiat money? It’s exactly what we
just talked about: money that can be inflated or increased at the push
of a button at the say-so of a powerful person or organization.
Nowadays most dollars are just blimps on a computer screen and it’s
extremely easy for the Federal Reserve to create money out of thin air
whenever they want to.
If our money were backed by gold and silver, people couldn’t just
sit in some fancy building and push a button to create new money. They
would have to risk their lives and assets to find a suitable spot to
build a gold mine, then get dirty and sweaty and actually dig up the
gold. Not something I can imagine our “money elves” at the Fed getting
down to whenever they feel like playing God with the economy.
As you can see, inflation and fiat money are very seductive and
beneficial to those at the top, and very dangerous to everyone else and
the nation as a whole. That’s exactly what Henry Ford was talking
about. He knew that every country that relies too much on fiat money is
ruined sooner rather than later.
There is only one possible solution to the inflation problem: Stop
creating money out of thin air. But we’re already in such a mess that
the only way to have a real impact on the money supply is to increase
interest rates so that people pay back their loans and borrow less
money from the banks, which decreases the amount of money in
circulation. However, higher interest rates might very well crash the
economy. So the Fed’s current “solution” to overcoming inflation is…
creating even more of it.
Fiat money is a dangerous addiction. Even if the Fed found a way to
stop inflation, as long as the current system persists the temptation
will always be there to resume pushing the easy money button. That’s
why we need to get back on the gold standard and eliminate the Federal
Reserve altogether.
But that won’t happen “before tomorrow morning” or even this year.
Ron Paul believes that the first step towards monetary freedom is to
allow open competition in currencies. Once gold and
silver are allowed as legal tender and can be sold without sales tax,
everyone can use them to store their wealth and to pay for the things
they want to buy. The Federal Reserve will finally have a very
compelling motivation to stay honest and maintain the value of the
dollar because if they don’t, they will simply lose all their customers.
Ron Paul has been an advocate of the gold standard
and open competition in currencies for many years. He is the Federal
Reserve’s most outspoken opponent in Congress and has frequently
questioned Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke about the Fed’s actions.
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and help us put the Fed where it belongs: into the history books and out of our financial lives.

posted on Sept 28, 2008 9:44 AM ()


Well done
comment by grumpy on Sept 28, 2008 9:56 AM ()

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