Lou Dobbs: New World Order Can Be Defeated
Popular CNN host attacks Bush administration for "shameless" destruction of sovereignty
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, March 7, 2008
"What we have permitted in allowing the Bush administration to have effectively further reduced our sovereignty and respect for our laws and certainly regard for our borders and our ports - it's been a shameless, shameless period in American history that we're going to have to reverse," Dobbs told the Alex Jones Show.
Dobbs said that if people did not wake up to the unfolding North American Union agenda as well as the Trans Texas Corridor under the banner of the Security and Prosperity partnership, then America could "kiss its future goodbye."
The CNN host said that the New World Order could be defeated, but only if the American people awakened and did it soon.
Speaking on the subject of 9/11, Dobbs said the federal government had acted with deceit in failing to prevent the attack .
"We gave George Tenet a gold medal while the CIA failed to act intelligently or responsibly to stop that attack - I'm talking about a government that almost seven years after September 11th continues to leave our borders wide open and our ports insecure with 95% of what enters this country uninspected, it's unconscionable," said Dobbs.
During the interview, Dobbs also said that the U.S. economy is heading for a stagflation crisis as a result of the U.S. government's policy of dollar depreciation and that the only solution is for the American people to restore a proper Constitutional system of government.
"We have the specter of stagflation staring at us coldly and inevitably right now," said Dobbs, adding, "There's no doubt that those who would degrade the sovereignty of this country would want to certainly the power, the strength, and the respect of the U.S. dollar and it is the last thing we should permit," he concluded.