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Politics, Astrophysics, Missing

Education > How to Achieve World Peace

How to Achieve World Peace

The following is copied from a discussion on another blog about "Cause and Effect":

You have to "get it", you know, like when the light goes on or you have an epiphany. That comes from intense thought. If I tell you everything, you're not getting it on your own, and therefore not "getting it".

You'll get it. I know you will but my telling you about it won't do it (lol), that part of it is already clear. Keep thinking about it, and as you do, that brain muscle gets stronger and stronger, then, ah-ha!, a revelation.

I never encourage lazy mindedness, and me telling you what it is what encourages you to not think for yourself, and I can't do that. That's all.

I end it with this:

Take an air filled ball, like a pool toy. Take up the "cause" of poking a hole in it. Watch the "effects" of all the air escaping out of the ball. The effects cannot be altered. A hole poked in that ball will always lead to the air leaking out, there's no changing it. You can't say I'll stop the air from leaking out by putting on a patch because then that is a new cause that will have its own effects, it's not changing effects. Cause is rooted in intention. What you intend to happen. All intentions come from within every living thing. If the world is to change, then mass intention must change and then the effects will reflect that cause created by those intentions.

The universe is expanding because of a prior cause, all things in the natural life are affected by this rapid expansion. Cause and effect.

Solar Sun Cycles due to its external universal elements affects the earth's temperatures and atmosphere, along with many other external impacts.

Going green in an effort to Stop the Solar Sun Cycles from warming the Earth and the expansion of the universe to prevent the Sun from having it's hot spot cycles because the expansion of the universe changes the position of ALL bodies within its realm, is the most audaciously arrogant and ignorant thing ever intended (intentions) by humans since their existence. That is EXACTLY the "intention" to stop the planet from warming which stems out of their pre-school science ignorance. The effects of this ill-intentioned effort will be devastating to the generations that follow, no different than the devastating effects we are feeling from the arrogant ignorance of the past 100 years.

Going green because you intend to live a life of giving back what you receive is GOOD and the effects will be profoundly good because the intention was good and right minded based on reality as it is.

Intention creates what is. Cause generates effect. Effects cannot be altered. Only a new cause will generate new effects. Ill-intentions create ill-effects. When the intention is derived from a clear state of mind, based on what is good for ALL, effects will reflect that.

What you are experiencing today that you do not like are the ill-effects of the previous ill-intentioned causes put in motion. You can't change what they did, the effects of the previous cause, you can only create a new cause. But if the new cause is based on ill-intentions (as stated above in going green to stop the planet from warming) then the effects can only be ill-effects.

Focus on getting it right and understanding truth before you set out to create a new cause because without a full understanding of what is, it is impossible to create a cause without ill-effects. Once human kind "gets it", that's it, that's all it takes because once you "get it" your intentions morph into what is right and then only the right cause will follow and that will generate the right effects, and this all will happen effortlessly because it will be the effects of the cause to learn the truth of what is. Think about that realistically until you "get it". You appear to be one who really likes the written expression so when you get it, you can set out to use that love of the written expression and share what you've learned and teach what you know. My job is to teach others about absolute truth, what is, and to encourage others to think, and to think for themselves.

Everything comes from within. It has to start with each individual collectively and that must be the goal. Everything else, is merely trying to change effects, and that only creates chaos and leads to disaster. The universe provides precisely everything that is perfect, only our ill-intentions, misunderstanding of what is - truth - is what interferes with that perfection and creates chaos. Once enough human beings get it individually collectively, then things will change for the better rapidly. But, everybody must get it individually, collectively and the rest works itself out miraculously as the effects of a right cause


posted on Aug 14, 2009 9:21 AM ()

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