After years of not staying home and baking cookies and not being some kinda Tammy Wynette stand by your man, she sure does seem to have developed a new wussiness. Could it be because women voters are increasingly voting for Obama?

In my previous post about her, I never said I wanted a wussy president. Nor did I object to ruthlessness -- there's a time and place for everything. If I had a choice, I'd take a ruthless president over one who can't hold emotions in check (whether for real or for public consumption).
Anyway, this is at least the second time this has happened -- last time I recall her letting loose with the tears was the eve of the NH primary. Am I cynical for thinking it's orchestrated and disingenuous? I remember this footage of her husband laughing one moment then crying on cue as he sees a camera trained on him, the same way a pornstar ___s on cue before the cameras.
If I wanted a freaking actor for president, I would've supported Fred Thompson.
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