Mitt Romney is about to withdraw from the GOP primaries. He's being introduced by angry old witch Laura Ingraham, whom I had the extreme displeasure of listening to for about ten minutes this morning.
To the frustrated maid Ingraham, the multi-divorced drug addict Limbaugh, the virulent 11th Commandment breaker Levin:
Voters in the GOP primaries aren't beholden to blow-hard ideologues with radio shows. You are not the paragons of conservatism, you are not the leaders of any movement. You have radio shows because you're entertaining. At least you were before you went on the attack and brazenly violated President Reagan's Eleventh Commandment.
The angry Miss Ingraham just called Mitt Romney a "class act." He may be, but not because she said so. She wouldn't know class if it bit her... back there. A "conservative's conservative"? Maybe she missed out on the debates he had when he ran against Ted Kennedy and tried to outflank Kennedy on the left! Or that he objected to being named in the same sentence as Reagan and Bush. Or that he and his wife supported Planned Parenthood and abortion rights -- something the embittered Miss Ingraham doesn't. The opposition to McCain hasn't been on principle, it's been personal. And vitriolic.
Finally, she got around to announcing him. About time. Like she's there to address the audience instead of introduce someone. What a self-absorbed cunt. I will post this as soon as he says he's out.
He's bullshitting about challenges, comparing the US to France. Mon dieu. Oh no, now he's talking about the culture war. Why are conservatives so keen on resurrecting Pat Buchanan's scary speech at the 1992 convention?! Code speech -- attacks on gays and others they hate. Tax and spending. Now energy policy. Now and banal lecture about competition and other candidates not "getting it." Just bow out gracefully and quickly so I can go get lunch! GD it. Yes, lower taxes. Yes, lower spending. Conservatives don't need that speech, liberals do. Yada yada yada.
Good, he said "finally." More code words -- that means 20 more minutes while he talks about Islamic extremism. What about your own radical religious supporters, Mitt? Hmmm?
Okay, now he's fucking lying. The slashing and cutting of the military under Clinton was based on the bipartisan reductions implemented and signed by President Bush 41.
Attacking Hillary and Barack. Deservedly so. Stating agreement with McCain on succeeding in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Here comes the part I need to hear. He's announcing he's making it easier for the Democrats if he stays in. "I hate to lose. My family, my friends, you, people around the country... it's never been entirely about me. I entered this race because I love America. And because I love America, I feel I have to stand aside in this time of war for my country and my party."
And there we go. It's official. Romney is out. The nomination is McCain's for the taking. Thank you, Governor Romney. Now I can go to Taco Bell.