Dogs go through phases of not eating. When he gets hungry enough, he'll eat. Try to abstain from giving him table food.
Don't EVEN get me started. These people are ignorant and determined to stay that way.
When I was in college, the head of the English department, my major, was one of the 10 foremost authorities on Mark Twain We always considered that quite a coup, as we were not a large university but just a small one.
Nobody could make this stuff up; but the very best one is Bum Phillips comment. Wonder if he ever looked in a mirror? They didn't call him "Bum" for no good reason.
The English language is the only one that is not a pure language but a compilation of many others. That is why it is the hardest to learn.
We need more awareness of this problem. As Fredo said, if we can give billions to help Haiti, why do we still have this problem in the U.S.?
I remember being awakened one night by the smoke detector "chirping." I kept trying to ignore it but couldn't. Finally in disgust, got a chair, jerked that thing off the wall, and managed to get a decent sleep after that.
I'm an evening snacker too, and I keep telling myself I'm going to stop. I do think inactivity and living alone has a lot to do with it.
Could you tell me where I can get one of those money trees? Does the local nursery have them????
Boy, Hobbie, You jest take all de fun outta' life!
I wondered if Jeff Bridges could fill John Wayne's shoes. He is so associated with that roll, since it was his final one and also prophetic.
Yes, better times for everyone in 2011! I feel it!
Thanks, Solitaire. Best wishes to you as well.
Your opening statement is the most frightening of all. Russia is falling back into its old ways of sending innocent people to prison. Putin is behind this new return to terror in Russia.