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Politics & Legal > A Walk in the Park

A Walk in the Park

Due to a Jewish holiday Michael Medved took a pass on his regular “Conspiracy Day” radio show. Either that or I just missed it. Too bad. I really dreamed up a good one this time.

Hey, Michael. Do you remember; did you happen to be there, in Chicago’s Grant Park 40 years ago? You remember that glorious moment in history when police batons were flying and human feces was being lobbed like hand grenades into the lines of policemen who were there to preserve disorder. That happened at the Democrat convention of 1968. Wouldn’t it be swell if all those anarchists, young communists and disturbed idealistic hell raisers were to come back to Grant Park 40 years later to observe the anniversary of those halcyon days of frenzied violence?

Who do you imagine might be in such a crowd today? Farrakhan, Pflager, Ayers, Dorn, Wright, Jackson, and the other riff raff who remained in Chicago lo these many years? You know the ones I mean, the friends of Barack Obama. And any of 10,000 oldies who have never given up the cause but have gone into our universities to indoctrinate our children and otherwise undermine our peaceful Democratic society might also return.

Do you remember? I remember how the police trained for months prior to the convention. I recall that they were issued special riot gear and were drilled in crowd control tactics. But they were not even close to being prepared for the insanity that fell upon the city when the anarchists and commie kid s finally arrived. Good times. I see the sons of those policemen gearing up today and practicing again for a new celebration in Grant Park. Oh, but it’s not going to be an anniversary celebration. No. It’s going to be a victory celebration.

What sort of victory? Why a Barack Obama presidential victory, of course. Not a victory for socialism, communism, anarchism, racism – not a victory for hate. It will be a celebration and an anniversary for that Orwellian love and peace movement that began in Grant Park 40 years ago. And in celebration of peace and love we might even see those icons of peace; Farrakhan, Pflager, Ayers, Dorn, Wright, Jackson and all the other haters and instigators that Barack had to throw under the bus re-united in Grant Park for the cause – whatever that cause may ever have been.

You do know, don’t you Michael, that Barack is planning to have his victory celebration in Grant Park. I really did not dream this one up. And the cops really are gearing up again for potential violence. So what do you think, Mike? Conspiracy, irony or just an overactive imagination?

posted on Oct 24, 2008 4:23 AM ()


And what a tragic time it was, 1968 developed into a year of rage. All across America emotions and frustration were peaking. Two leaders,that brought the promise of hope to a generation, were assassinated. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, followed by the assassination of one of the anti-war movements hopefuls, Robert F. Kennedy on June 5/6 (shot early morning of June 5th, died 26 hours later), 1968.[3] The Democratic convention got a lot of attention because of the number of demonstrators and the use of force by the Chicago police. The rioting, which took place between demonstrators and the Chicago Police Department and the Illinois National Guard, was istigated by the then Mayor who was determined to stop the demonstartors. People were beaten and even newsmen of the day, Mike Wallace and Dan Rather, were both roughed up by the Chicago police inside the halls of the Democratic Convention. It was a dark day and even darker when Nixon was elected and 40,000 more troops were killed in Vietnam and the war continued for 7 more years. What started out with hope and Robert Kennedy turned out to be one of the darkest days in modern American History.
comment by strider333 on Oct 24, 2008 7:40 AM ()

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