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Politics & Legal > Change like You Wouldn't Beleve

Change like You Wouldn't Beleve

I’m worried. I don’t subscribe to whacky conspiracy theories; not since I smelled out the Santa Clause scam. But when a Vice Presidential candidate stands before The People and declares outright that when he and Obama get into office they fully intend to do something that will shatter our trust in them – I consider that cause for worry. And when he obfuscates what they intend to do and why they intend to do it I get busy and consider all the possibilities.

I’m worried. There are two worrisome components to Joe Biden’s statement. The first is that Barack will be tested by enemies of this nation. This, we can assume, will actually come in the form of a threat to the American people. Possibly it will come as a second 911 type attack that will cost American lives. Maybe China will finally invade Taiwan or Russia will swallow up all its old satellite States again and recreate the USSR. Joe wasn’t specific about what will happen but whatever it is it will require a response from the U.S., a response from President Obama.

I’m worried. Joe was not definite about whose lives or freedoms will be lost. But he was absolutely certain that something very bad is going to happen if Barack gets elected, something that probably will not happen if John McCain is elected. When an opponent practically screams out a warning about a disaster that will happen if he and his partner are elected - practically destroying his chances of getting elected - we all need to take it seriously. But his election chances have not been the least bit damaged. Why? Because our media is mentally impotent. Why are they not as worried about the dangerous Mr Obama as the man who is running with him is? Why is no one making an effort to get Biden to reveal more on this prediction?

I’m worried. Joe implied that the U.S., if not the entire world, will be threatened within 6 months of Barack’s taking office. But that’s only the first thing we have to worry about. The second thing we have to worry about is how Barack is going to respond to that threat. Joe says we’re not going to like it. Joe says Barack’s going to do something that even his most loyal supporters will be revolted by. That frightens me much more than any foreign threat. What is Barack planning? What does Joe know? Why does Joe look so worried?

Do you know what the words Der Fuehrer mean? They mean “The Leader”. You remember The Leader don’t you? He was elected by his people you may recall. And they loved him. Millions of them laid down their lives for him. Millions who hated him also died. Maybe you remember “Uncle Joe” Lenin, too. Millions loved him and millions died for him. And let’s not forget “Uncle Ho” or “Papa Doc” either. What did all of these historical mass murderers have in common? Their followers were utterly blind to the evil in their souls. The Leader’s people thought nothing of sending their neighbors off to death camps because the Leader said they were no better than dogs. Thank God nothing like that could ever happen in America. Not a chance. So what was Joe talking about?

Let me paint a scenario for you. It may not go down exactly as I’m going to describe it but if you believe Joe’s warning this may be what we can look forward to from our new Leader. Suddenly, without warning, there will be a popular uprising. Murder in the streets. Attacks on all of our most vital and cherished establishments. A Crystal Nacht, if you will. Who will the rioters be? Well, who does Barack have control over? We don’t really know. Barack has connections to all sorts of anarchist and terrorist groups. Muslims, black radicals, Communists, who knows? Every outlaw group in the country is suspect.
As our cities burn Barack is going to react how? With marshal law? Will he shut down talk radio, Fox news, the internet? Will more dissenters be arrested and subjected to show trials as Scooter Libby and our border agents Ramos and Compean were? That’s what Joe implied to me. And isn’t that what Leaders do?

Maybe I worry too much. But Joe, the guy who is going to be Barack’s right hand man, says I should worry. And when Barack does that thing he’s planning to do I have stand by him and trust that he is doing the right thing – it doesn’t matter that history and my instincts are telling me that I’m witnessing a tyrannical takeover.

I’m talking crazy, ain’t I? I’ve gone conspiracy nut, haven’t I? I never thought it could happen to me. But then I never thought I’d hear a Vice Presidential candidate tell me that he and his partner have a plan that is going to divide American against American. And that is what Joe said is going to happen: We won’t like the way Barack is going to react to some vague future crisis that’s certain to happen but we must accept it no matter how repulsed we are by it.

Joe said: No matter what happens we must remember his words and stand by him and Barack when that day comes. Joe can be sure that I will remember. And that I will remind everyone until the day does come that Joe said Barack had it planned all along.

posted on Oct 22, 2008 7:56 AM ()


I think you spelled it out very well, at least one of the possible theory's. I'm hoping for the best, doing all I can as far as telling people just who Obama is, but most of the "believers" can't be swayed. I wonder if they will turn their heads when my family and I are dragged from our house with a hardy..."I didn't know". Conspiracy I hope so, I surely do.
comment by justmyopinion on Nov 2, 2008 4:15 PM ()

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