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Politics & Legal > Please Assemble for 30 Minutes of Hate

Please Assemble for 30 Minutes of Hate

In Orwell’s “1984” hate rallies of only two minutes per day were required to keep the proles in a proper mental state. But since this is America and State induced hatred is still something of a novel idea 30 minute exercises might be necessary in order for the indoctrination to take hold. As a matter of fact a renewed resistance to State manipulated hate has risen in the last half dozen years in a form calling itself “new media”. The State understands this and is moving now to snuff out the revival in free thought.

One of the main themes of “1984” is the State’s (Big Brother’s) determination to control the people by manipulating their emotions. Most real dictators up the time of Orwell’s writing of “1984” were concerned with only one emotion; fear. But as Mr. Orwell studied Soviet and Nazi tactics more closely he came to realize that to control a nation in peacetime required a mastery of the full range of human emotions. The German people, for example, had not just feared the Gestapo they had also been induced to hate Jews and Slavs and to love their Leader, Adolph. Goerbels manipulated all of the emotions of the German People and Hitler was nothing without Goerbels.

Mao followed a similar model in China where he won the hearts and minds of his people with the warmth and wisdom of his “Little Red Book”. The actual purpose of “The Little Red Book” was to confuse the people’s idea of love by confining their paths of reason to those directed in his book. It was the fear that they might be punished for having a thought counter to any in the book that terrified them into absolute submission. Through his book Mao projected wisdom and love but the reality was that to doubt their Leader for an instant could result in certain death. The result was that the people fused the emotion of love with the emotion of fear.

In fact Orwell was more aware of the processes of emotional reasoning than either Hitler or Mao who seem to have operated on instinct while Orwell understood the matter using fundamental objectivity at a conscious level. It was also clear to him that while the hammer of fear was the primary tool in every tyrant’s repertoire that particular emotion did nothing to endear one to his Leader. That required the manipulation of love’s emotions and Orwell showed us how that could be accomplished by distorting the definition of love. In “1984” pain was love. Hate was love. Fear was love. Big Brother was love.

The groundwork for laying the foundations of distorted values is being laid down in America at every level of our educational process. Take, for example, Obama’s notion that sex education in kindergarten is “a good thing”. Of course it’s an insane thing but since the words comes from the mouth of our new Leader it makes perfect sense to his Leftist lemmings. Worst of all is the promotion of the fear of “global warming” even before our children get into kindergarten. It is a sick thing for parents to frighten their own children this way. But it is a reflection of sick social leadership; not of sick parents. A society that looks to a mentally disturbed person like Gore for leadership is in serious trouble. A society that chooses a stranger to lead them who is nothing more than a reflection disguising a hidden substance is in serious trouble. A society that fails to resist when free speech is taken from them is in serious trouble.
But the easiest of all emotions to manipulate is hate. I have noticed an odd movement in this country in recent years that has the strangest effect on the ability to distort social relationships. It is the popularization of the idea of hating haters. How do you hate haters without being a hater? Of course it’s not possible. But every day I see groups of Leftists forming up in the streets to march with justifiable hatred on those who are arbitrarily deemed to be haters. Gays, feminists, anti-war protesters, anti-racists who are themselves racist…and the list goes on. Haters marching against hate. It’s madness.

On the issue of war George Orwell could not have been less visionary. In his 2 minute hate rally his prols spewed their hatred at Eastasia; Oceania’s bloody rival. In the middle of the rally Big Brother shifted the object of prole hatred to its ally Eurasia and made Eastasia the new ally of Oceania. The mental conditioning of the proles was so thorough that one character was brought to shame for having “forgotten” that Eurasia was his enemy and he had made a poster cursing his ally, Eastasia.

Orwell understood that war was a powerful tool for generating hatred which in turn generated solidarity among the proles. But he could never have imagined the way the imagery of war would be manipulated today. Today we do not hate the enemy. That would be politically incorrect. Instead we hate ourselves for killing the enemy. ‘Why can’t we have nice wars? What right do we have to defend ourselves if it means killing others. Are we any better than them then?’ It’s all part of the hate the haters psychology that is being taught in our schools and throughout our media.

I try to make time in my day to listen to the Leftist insanity of Air America and will even take a minute or two to watch Herr Olbermann when my nerves are up to the challenge. To listen to them for just a few minutes of the day brings home the true definition of insanity for me. You simply would not believe the joy they express as they discuss the impending doom of the American auto industry – a shocking disconnect from reality. And with the way they foment their hatred for the oil industry you might think that they were unaware that they’d be dead in a year if our oil sources were cut off. And while ACORN was being investigated in all 57 states of the union for every sort of voter fraud on behalf of the Dem/Socialists, Air America could talk about nothing but how the Repubs were going to steal the election. It boggled my mind when people berated me for considering voting for the “inexperienced” Sarah Palin as VP when they were absolutely determined to see that the truly inexperienced Barack Obama would be sworn into the office of President. Pure insanity.

But I rant…

My point is that the American Left is being manipulated by hatred. And it is being accomplished with ever greater ease because the indoctrination begins at such early ages in the social development of our young. The alternative for parents who want their children to grow up with an appreciation for freedom is to keep them out of public schools where most of this indoctrination takes place. Teach them at home or put them in private schools that promote good values.

It is as true as it has ever been that our children are the future. America as a free capitalist democracy will only be saved if our next generation can be saved from the indoctrination machines called our public schools as they have been recreated by Mr. Ayers and the international Communist movement.

posted on Nov 12, 2008 7:55 AM ()

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