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Politics & Legal > Unraveling the Mind of the Mysterious Left

Unraveling the Mind of the Mysterious Left

I don’t consider anyone on the Left to be my enemy. I consider them to be mysteries. I want to understand them to set my own mind at rest that truth is elementary and not relative. Right and wrong may exist at odds in personal perceptions but truth itself is not selective. Yesterday I tuned into “Air Amerika” to study the matter further and was not disappointed.

A discussion was going on between the host and callers on issues of the “Stimulus Package”. Apparently the Left is angry at Harry Reid’s handling of its push through Congress. As I understand their complaint it had to do with the fact that Hapless Harry’s methods had given the Repubs fair standing to argue that the bill is a load of crap. Callers were arguing that it was Harry who labeled this poisonous concoction a “Stimulus” to the economy. Bush had already burned billions of dollars on a similar gaff called a stimulus. The last thing the Dems needed was to saddle themselves with another stimulus package, especially after they had viciously condemned the Bush package. For that reason the term ‘stimulus’ now carried a noxious taint that turned people off. What he should have named it, the caller said, was a “Jobs Package”.

And there we have the common disconnect from reality that goes into Left thinking. They have no consideration for the fact that the “Package” will neither stimulate the economy nor create real jobs any more than Bush’s package had. What they’re concerned about is creating a positive perception of reality for the bill that has nothing to do with actual reality. By calling it a jobs package it becomes a jobs package and a worthy, even a sacred, document.

It is my belief, and others have noted it before me, that the Left is on a never ending search for a new religion; something to believe in. The fact is that practically every human being has a need for something to believe in; something to give purpose to his life. On the Right you will find that most people have accepted some sort of traditional religion with its God(s), miracles, holy books and all the related hocus pocus accoutrements. The Left, as we know, decries religion as a scam and a refuge for weak willed simpletons. Ironically the fantasy world of religion gives people of the Right, in most cases, a far better grounding in reality than is commonly found on the Left.

As I see it people of religion live in two worlds that they are able to differentiate in absolute terms. They live in reality the vast majority of the time and escape to their religious world only at appointed times (Sabbath) or as needed. It is true that religious values, absolutes and doctrines do have a distorting effect on their life’s outlooks but for the most part their reality lives are firmly grounded. The same cannot be said of people on the Left.

These days Amerikan Leftists have found tentative faith in the cult of Obamaism. But there is real danger in worshipping living gods. David Koresh, Jim Jones, A. Hitler and countless others have proven that fact at all times and places in history. It worries me to observe Pres. O and see that he is acutely aware of the power he wields as a godhead and that he relentlessly cultivates that image. The fact that most Right thinking folks have already chosen their Gods provides them with some shielding against his seduction.

The problem for the Left is that the old axiom applies: if you believe in nothing you are apt to believe in anything. So it does not matter that the new package is an abomination 100 times greater than the Bush bail-out. This bill comes from the Dems and Lord Obama. It is infallible. It is the new sacred text. No thought is wasted on the possibility that it will not succeed. Faith rules the day; it is hope, it is change, it is belief all rolled into one like the Trinity.

We should not be surprised that the Left has bought into the myth of global warming; it is the Sodom and Gomorrah story of our time. The “rat is a dog is a child” equation of animal rights groups is as much a miracle as changing bread into the body of Christ. And saving the marsh mouse will save the planet as surely as murdering God’s son saved all our souls. We’re all pointing at the motes in one another’s eyes while the one meaningful difference between religious fantasies and Leftist fantasies is that Leftist fantasies are not havens to escape to for vacations from reality. They are full time unrealities from which no escape is wanted.

What this country needs, then, is something to believe in. I say we go back to the basics; the ho-hum boring basics. How about we believe in democracy again, or the bounty provided by free enterprise. Let’s reinstitute a sensible moral code and enforce it rationally. Let’s clean out the den of criminals and social engineers who are fouling our political system. In other words let’s bring back reality and permit those who must have fantasies to keep them for themselves in separate mental compartments.

Well that’s my fantasy anyway.

posted on Feb 15, 2009 12:02 PM ()

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