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Politics & Legal > Red Star Rising

Red Star Rising

Mainstream media (including Bellicose Bill) continue to drone on about Obama’s heartfelt desire to pull the nation out of its plunge into depression. Almost no one agrees with his methods and tactics but, hey, he’s doing his damnedest. I don’t buy it. I think he’s doing his best to drive us into social chaos so that he can redesign America on the Marxist model. My observations on his behavior lead me to the conclusion that he is following with careful calculation the directions laid out in the “Communist Manifesto”. But I didn’t sit down to write about Barack’s intentions or to discuss his means to those ends. I’m writing today to discuss how to stop him from achieving those goals.

I see good things being done in conservative media with Rush and Glenn setting the pace. But the unsung hero in this fight is and has for a long time been David Horowitz. Mr Horowitz understands that to defeat the Communist movement in America it must be met head on in the field of battle for young minds. Our schools, at all levels of education, have been infested with indoctrinated political correctoids at the head of our classrooms. Essentially they are lobotomized group-thinkers who don’t consciously understand that they are advancing the Communist agenda. Instead they are under the illusion that they are advancing social equality as the foundation of all their many other causes.

Horowitz has been fighting this fight since he cleared his own head of his lifelong indoctrination. If you really want to talk about audacity you shouldn’t talk about Barack Obama or Rev. Wright. Audacity is when a man walks into the den of Communist indoctrination to challenge the beast in his own lair. Horowitz does this almost every day at any university or college that will accept his challenge. He’s what you’d call a mench. You can read his books – and I hope you will – to get an idea of what is being done to the minds of our children when we commit them to the hands of the correctoids. He, Rush, Glenn and others have chosen their methods of resistance. My choice is to show America its future if we fail to repel Socialism/Communism.

We need to do more than point out to our children that Communism is coming to America. This means nothing to kids who have not been taught what Communism is, how it functions and how it impacts the human condition. These things are never taught in our schools; at least they are not taught in the light of real experience. One of the things that is absolutely essential to reversing the steady encroachment of the Socialist movement that has been advancing for the last 100 years is the institution of courses in our schools that offer opposing views on Communist ideology. The window may presently be closed on this possibility but the effort to reopen it will surely force blatant Communists to expose themselves to the light of day if they insist on fighting to keep it closed.


Communism is a utopian political/economic philosophy that strives for absolute social equality. It envisions that the People are the State and that all of the people will work for the common good of the State. And, because the People are the State, what is good for the State will be good for the People.

As an objective equation the above definition is unassailable. It creates a perfect circle of logic. Why then has it never worked? I has never worked and it never will work for the primary reason that human beings are not objective. The theory and the definition may be perfectly objective but people almost never are.

There are numerous human factors not accounted for in the utopian view of Communism. Two of these stand out on the list:

1. Human beings are competitive and will not sit still for the “status quo”. They must achieve, they must excel; they must stand out from the crowd intellectually, financially and, if all else fails, they will attempt to excel cosmetically. Everyone raves about equality but no one, absolutely no one, wants it for himself.
2. The natural outcome of point 1 above is that the political achievers among the people will rise to the ruling class. Not only does this blow away all pretense of the goal of equality but it eventuates to prove the adage that power corrupts. When the State achieves all-power that power, in truth, must be held in the hands of a group or a single individual and that individual must, by nature, be the most corrupt of the breed.

Utopian Communism is a complete impossibility because it demands the extinguishment of freedom as the price for equality. People who are free will not accept equality for themselves and will defy the utopian concept. Those who expound on the perfection of Communist ideology fall generally into one of three types:

1. A person who can only achieve status quo by fiat.
2. A person of low self-esteem who imagines a guarantee of status quo to be the lifting of the burden of self-achievement.
3. A person who visualizes himself among the ruling class.

I believe that Obama sees himself in category three. Even beyond that I think he imagines that he can be as corruptible (that is to say impervious to the suffering of others) as Stalin, Mao, Fidel or any bloodthirsty Communist you can name. I believe that he understands that Socialism will come in its own time but he has no intention of waiting. He wants all out social warfare – a true Communist revolution that will put him in the stead of the greatest dictators of all time.


If Uncle O pulls off his revolution it is almost impossible to predict how things will turn out. I suspect that a new, perhaps a better, Democracy will be established when the blood letting ends. I don’t see the Communists as the winners in this fight. The American People are awakening to the threat and We are many times stronger than Barack imagines We are. The scenario shapes up this way…

An Obama Communist nation if it succeeds would be most similar to Nazi Germany circa 1939. It will not be so much like the Soviet Union or Communist China, et. al., because it will contain a powerfully racialized component. The superior race this time would almost certainly be the blacks. Pres. O has contingents lined up like the Nazi brown shirts in the guise of ACORN thugs and is just as surely counting on black gangs to spray lead in all directions when the slaughter gets underway. Observant citizens can already see how Mr O’s henchmen are stirring the flames of discontent among the races and classes. The determinant factor in such a war might turn out to be which side our military and police forces choose to defend. Will it be The People or the government that they almost certainly know has been compromised.

If Mr Obama wins I do not wish to describe the horrors that might ensue. I would only remind everyone that IT CAN HAPPEN HERE.

I applaud all those who are making the effort to revitalize American greatness and hope that we all understand the need to teach our children that Communism and Socialism are paths to social oblivion. To do that you must know for yourself how the mechanisms of Socialism and Communism bear the seeds of self-destruction.


posted on Mar 18, 2009 10:12 AM ()

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