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Politics & Legal > Pink Star Rising

Pink Star Rising

Maybe I’ve been a little hard on Pres O. It’s crazy of me to imagine that he’s out to turn the U.S. into a full blown Red Communist State isn’t it? But just about everyone now has come to the realization that he is at least determined to make us into a Socialist State, the consequences of which few of us can foresee. Since it appears now that our socialization is unavoidable someone ought to provide a fair analysis of what our brave new world will look like. It’s time to rewrite 1984 and put it in a 2010 American frame work. Who’s up for it?

I’m no novelist. Don’t have the imagination for it. But I do consider myself a fair prognosticator. I’ve noticed that history does not run in a particularly straight line. It seems rather to run in a spiraling motion, repeating itself again and again in fits and starts with new characters and twists on old themes. Our future will not be exactly the same as any era in the past. What will be the same, however, is that millions will suffer and many will die to feed the egos of evil, stupid men. And when I say men I am not speaking of the male gender alone in this case. Some of our most intellectually vapid political leaders right now are women who happily go about facilitating their own destruction and ours.

But let’s be specific. What does our future hold under Socialism? Let’s first evaluate what effects socialism has had and is having in places in the world where it now exists. I’ve been hearing good things about some Socialist States. Sweden, Canada and (according to a blogger’s report) New Zealand are great examples of Socialist success. I believe that to a large extent these reports are true. But if the full truth is to be recognized I have to point out that these three States have something in common. They are all populated by a racially homogeneous people.

In the present atmosphere of political correctness such a statement is sure to be condemned as racist. It does not matter that it is a true statement the mere fact that it has racial implications makes it taboo to speak such words. We are not allowed to think that race matters when in fact at every turn in history and current events race, or similar cultural differences, have played a critical role. If America continues down its Socialist path it had better recognize that its proud history as a cultural melting pot is a long time over. Our leaders – for monetary and/or political gains – have amplified and inflamed our cultural differences till we have been divided into camps ready for internecine war. The sort of Socialism that can be created in the midst of such violent tension is frightening to consider. What may be possible in peaceful, homogeneous places like Sweden, Canada and New Zealand is vastly different where race, religion, gender and other bigotries await an explosive spark.

I believe that even the model Socialist States noted above will eventually deteriorate as time goes on and the spirit of personal responsibility atrophies. That remains to be seen but in other States where Socialism has been tried and had limited success a different picture is clearly developing. Nations that were assumed to be racially homogeneous are now cracking under the stress of cultural invasion. The passive tolerance of the natives of nations all over Europe; France, Great Britain, Spain and the Netherlands to name just the worst effected, are being overwhelmed by racially and religiously intolerant invaders. Blood flows and bombs explode for no other reason than hateful indoctrination has taken possession of the souls of the murderers. Where there might have been some small chance for Socialism to succeed in these nations that fantasy has vaporized. New cultural divisions will not permit any hope of that kind of success.

But even if no spark ever arises to set off an American culture war there is still no chance that Socialism will succeed here. The reasons are the same as those that will not permit Communism to last long in America if it is achieved. The basic failure of both Communism and Socialism is that they refuse to acknowledge that human nature will not allow freedom to be traded for equality. The dreamers refuse to even recognize that such a trade must be made and instead continue to try to reconcile both freedom and equality – the same mistake made by the leaders of the French Revolution – “Liberty, Fraternity, Equality”. At best only two are possible. Equality excludes liberty. Liberty excludes equality.

The Left’s demented frenzy to achieve equality is the prime mover in our slide toward Socialism. What might be possible to any degree in a homogeneous place like New Zealand where a degree of equality already exists is not possible in a place like the U.S. where social divisions are not only manifold they are also magnified and exacerbated. In this country equality will not mean elevating the lower class, though that is both the fantasy and the myth. The reality is that equality here will mean destroying the upper class. Anyone who has glimpsed the historic reality of past Socialist/Communist revolutions knows that objective #1 was always to destroy the upper class and redistribute its wealth. If it isn’t obvious to most of us that this is exactly what is happening right now in America then there is no hope of preventing what the utopians have in mind. They will kill the goose for the gold and end up with neither goose nor gold.

What will American socialism bring? Mayhem. Already the middle and upper classes are becoming aware that our political leadership intends to drag us all into poverty and lawlessness. Our amoral and stagnant underclass masses are not being lifted. They are being enlarged at our diminishment. We are being driven down to their level. The time will come when our patience will reach the breaking point. We will be forced to strike out or be snuffed out. Beyond that, who knows?

My hope is that reason will eventually prevail and a better Democracy will arise. The greatest failure of our founding fathers was in not separating government from commerce. Inevitably the power wielded by government over commerce invited greed and a lust for greater power. Politicians should never have been given that power to begin with. If we could take that power from them now we could save the American dream.

“Spirit! Are these the things that will be? Or are they the things that may be?”

posted on Mar 29, 2009 10:19 AM ()

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