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Politics & Legal > The Blindness of Bigotry

The Blindness of Bigotry

If you did not see the Olbermann/Garofalo interview this week you will not be able to imagine the incredible levels of hatred that have taken possession of the slaves to emotion that represent the Left. The scope of its irrationality sucked the air out of my very lungs.

It is difficult for me to listen to some of the absurdity of the Left and not respond with accusations of idiocy. I have to remind myself that it is not idiocy that pushes them to act moronic. It is their inability to deal with their own emotional compulsions. I mean it was astonishing to watch Herr Olbermann grunt and nod as Garofalo attacked ‘old, white, men’ as though he himself was not old, not white and not a man! Stunning! Is that idiocy? Not primarily. Mostly it is blind self-righteousness infused by years of emotional investment. It was absolutely preposterous to see Ms Bigot attack old, white men without recognizing that an old, white man was directly in front of her or he failing to recognize his own description.

The Left today stands in the midst of the “Forest of Bigotry” and will not see the trees. Out of sheer nothingness Garofalo accused a million or more tax protesters of gross racism. The only fact she brought to her accusation was that the President is black. That says nothing about the tax protesters and everything about her and Keith (who nodded and grunted at that accusation, too). She was not able to see the symbol and substance of American leadership. She could not see our President. She could only see a black man.

I was in the Federal Plaza in Chicago on 4/15 and I can tell you honestly that I did not see one sign or hear one word that carried any racial overtones – not one. But I did hear Janine attack old, white, men out of her poisonous bigoted mouth. Is she an idiot because she will not recognize the obvious bigotry that consumes her? Who can tell when her mind is clearly not fueled by reason but by hatred? In lucid moments she might possibly be brilliant.

I did see some old, white men at the plaza that day. But I did not specifically notice that they were old or white or male. What I saw was a crowd of angry Americans who were awakening to the fact that they no longer had any say in their futures – or their children’s
futures. And, to be honest, I only recall seeing one black person in that crowd. There may have been many more than that, but then I wasn’t noticing skin color. That’s what racists do. That’s what Janine and Keith were doing. I didn’t make a count of the women there either but I am absolutely certain that there were more concerned mothers in the crowd than there were old, white men.

Many of the old, white men I saw were wearing bits of their old military uniforms. I, too, was standing with and representing America’s veterans; patriots. Men who did their duty not to gain honor but to give honor to the great nation they were born into. We went to war because we thought we ought to defend free speech and all of the other rights our founders earned for us. It is painful to me and my fellow vets to hear the right of free speech disgraced by bigoted minds like those of Olbermann and Garofalo. It did not occur to us when we were young troops that we would someday become old, white men. Nor did it occur to us that one day these traits would be held against us. I used to love to see our WW II veterans march on the 4th of July when I was a kid. There were heroes in those days.

I met Jonathan, “The Capitalist Pig” mingling with the People at the rally. He was carrying a sign that said, “Who is John Galt?” By a wild co-incidence my sign happened to say, “We Are John Galt”. We shook hands and grinned for a photo and off he went to speak on stage. I did not know he was on the speakers list. If I had I might have asked him to tell the people to…’Look up. Look all around you. These towers of glass and steel that you see; these monuments to the ambitions of free men… Did Socialism or Communism build them? Could Socialism or Communism ever produce this level of prosperity? This is the reason we are here today. We are here to prevent tyrants from tearing this all down.’

The Capitalist Pig would have been the perfect man to send that message.

posted on Apr 18, 2009 7:44 AM ()

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