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Politics & Legal > It is Finished

It is Finished

“It Is Finished.” [John 19:30]

America’s 233 year experiment in democracy ended the day Barack Obama was sworn in as the President of the United States. And the greatest capitalist enterprise in the history of mankind did not survive an entire month beyond his inauguration. That ended yesterday with the passage of the Orwellian named “Stimulus Package”.

Are these statements the ravings of a mad blogger? Not at all. They are facts prima facie.

If you are still in denial as to Obama’s Marxist devotion it will take no more than a few weeks before the results of his actions yesterday become fully apparent to all but the dimmest of bulbs. History and simple economics predict with near certainty what is about to befall us. Bear witness…

With the passage of time the realities of history fade to hazy folklore. Hitler becomes a fairytale ogre; not the embodiment of evil but a caricature of it. Fidel and Che’ soften from barbaric murderers into Robin Hood heroes. Stalin becomes Uncle Joe and Ho Chi Minh becomes Uncle Ho. And so it goes with every super mass murderer until the next one comes along – and they always do come along – because it’s impossible to grasp that such evil can ever happen again. And it is entirely unthinkable that it can happen here!

American capitalism was dealt a death blow yesterday. It is impossible to predict the suffering, death and social mayhem that may come of this act of betrayal by our President and his gargoyles. But that matters not at all to a devoted Marxist. Chaos and mayhem are the stock and trade of Marxism. It cannot advance without first destroying social stability. Had you not noticed the historical pattern? Have you not read “Das Kapital” or “The Communist Manifesto”? Has communism ever come to power in a nation that was not first suffering or made to suffer social calamity? Horror always precedes the coming of communism and if history is a true indicator Stalin has come to America.

My critics will say I’m conjuring wild generalities without any basis in fact. But being Leftists themselves they proudly proclaim that Obama’s real intention is no more than to introduce us to the soft, comfortable econo-political systems of European socialism. Everything’s going to be great. Chill out. We’re all going to be taken care of beautifully in the new utopia.

Read my lips. This guy is no socialist. He is a Marxist. The difference is similar to that of a house cat and a man eating lion. The only thing that this stimulus package is going to stimulate is the total collapse of the U.S. and world economies. That is its design. That is its intention. It defies every natural principal of economic viability.

At the base of every successful economy there will exist either a stable food supply system and/or an abundance of essential natural resources. Individuals or industrialists who command these commodities may then barter their products to those who have nothing to trade except their labor or their professional training in desirable services. That, in two sentences, is the whole natural order of economics. To disregard these basic truths is to defy nature.

To say that spending money will create jobs is a reversal of natural economic law. Something must be produced: grown, dug out of the ground or manufactured, for the exchange of money – the lubrication for the engine of all modern economies. Money that is simply printed and spread around like manure may as well be manure. It no longer stands for work accomplished or material produced. If given for nothing it stands for nothing. It is valueless and soon becomes unacceptable to those who have real value to exchange. Being an invested and motivated Marxist I am certain that these basic principles of economics are perfectly clear to Obama and that he has purposely written the death warrant for American capitalism.

My wife was in tears and panic yesterday when her portfolio statement came in the mail. For forty years she has been working and saving for her retirement. She had nearly a quarter million (that’s $250,000 for those of you with liberal arts degrees) socked away last year. This week less than half that amount remains. Clearly this trend is going to continue. “What can I do”, she asked? I tried to tell her that although she could stop the bleeding by putting her money in fixed interest accounts this, in the end, would not salvage her financial security. She might still have $100,000 six months from now but that money will be virtually worthless.

I didn’t know exactly what else to tell her. I wanted to tell her to use the money now, while it still has some value, to pay off her mortgage so that she is guaranteed a roof over her head next winter. Or perhaps she could buy gold which is certain to have at least some value as long as an underground economy survives. In that case natural law becomes supreme. In an underground economy no one exchanges value for less than equal value. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day and we must not dwell on potential realities.

There is a shadow of a chance that Obama did not destroy our economy with malice aforethought but he has destroyed it all the same. If he is indeed the new Stalin his next move will be to prevent a popular up rising against his political take over. This has historically meant controlling the media. Old media (print and broadcast) is well in hand already. If my crystal ball is working properly internet political speech will be censored within the next six months.

Been nice talkin’ to ya comrade.

posted on Feb 11, 2009 8:29 AM ()

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