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Jobs & Careers > It Ain't Braggin' ...

It Ain't Braggin' ...

When I tell people that extra-terrestrial visitation is an absolute certainty they tell me I’m crazy. When I tell folks that critical Bible scholarship has failed in over 2 ½ centuries to reveal an iota of divine truth in it I’m told I’ll be going to hell. When I tell The People that we are a mere hair’s breadth away from socialist chaos in America I’m called a Right wing nut job. When I tell people that I can walk into a casino any time and a few hours later walk out hundreds or thousands of dollars richer they laugh in my face. Why don’t people take me seriously?

I think it’s because they are all indoctrinated. (Yes, it’s them, not me.) I‘ve known at least a dozen people who have had UFO experiences but every one of them except one denies that he “saw a flying saucer”. Their indoctrination is stronger than their faith in their own eyes. We’ve all heard the stories of people who drank poisoned koolade or burned themselves and their children alive because of some madman’s biblical interpretation. Their indoctrinations were stronger then their wills to live. We all heard Barack Obama declare that he intends to confiscate our earnings and pass the cash to ne’er-do-wells. But we voted him in as President anyway. We denied reality for the sake of a fantasy man. Yet these examples prove nothing to those who cannot think outside of their indoctrinational boxes.

I can’t prove to anyone’s satisfaction that UFOs are real, that the Bible is not divine or that America has seen its best days. Of the four crazy notions of my opening paragraph I can only prove the last one. I can walk into a casino on any day and walk out a richer man.

That’s the craziest one of them all isn’t it? That’s just every gambler’s fantasy. It’s been proven time and time again by every mathematician including Einstein that the casino odds will always catch up with the gambler in the end.

I guess that’s why you won’t find any mathematicians in a casino. But if mathematicians won’t go into casinos how do they know what’s possible and what isn’t? I know a little bit about math and I set out some years ago to prove the mathematicians wrong. The house can be beaten when certain principles of math are used to counter the casino percentage. Two weeks ago I began to put my theories to the test. So far I have visited six casinos and walked out $100.00 an hour richer each time.

Other math wizards have found ways to eliminate the house advantage, you may have heard of the MIT team and their adventures in blackjack, but since their secret has gotten out anyone who has the talent to work that system has found himself quickly barred from the game. I don’t want to get thrown out of any casinos just yet so I am not about to reveal how I go about beating the house. And that puts me in the predicament of only being able to brag about what I can do while not being able to prove it by revealing who I am or what my methods are.

So why am I telling you this? Well for one thing I’ve been looking for a partner. I can make more than twice the money I’m making now if I had a partner and I could accelerate my rate of cash accumulation by hundreds of dollars an hour as well. I’ve asked quite a few people if they’d like to try out for the position but guess what…they think I’m nuts! Me, nuts!?

Now I don’t really expect to find a partner here on the web. Mostly I’ve just come to brag about having done the impossible yet again. And to add some substance to my claim I offer you one part of the mathematical formula I use in my method.

What I’m about to show you is called the Petit Martindale. It has been around for more than a century and the casinos are well aware its existence. They don’t like people who use it but they do not greatly fear it because in the end the gambler is destined to be destroyed by it. It goes like this:

- Imagine you have twenty cards; ten red and ten black.
- If you bet every turn of a card to be red you will win half your bets and lose the other half. Ditto the black.
- Can you make this knowledge pay for you?
- It looks as though all you can do is break even.
- But try this:

1. Bet every card will be red starting with a $100 bet.
2. On every bet you lose raise the bet $10. On every bet you win reduce your bet $10.
3. Once all 20 cards have been turned add your winnings vss. losses and see how you’ve done.

If you didn’t come out $100 ahead you didn’t do it right. Ten wins and ten losses by this method will win you $100 dollars every time. And if you had a partner betting black he would also earn $100!

But heed this warning: If you try this with any casino game the percentages will quickly eat you up – partner or no. More math is required.

posted on Jan 4, 2009 1:17 PM ()

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