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Politics & Legal > Razzel Dazzel 'Em

Razzel Dazzel 'Em

Razzle Dazzle ‘em
You might remember that song from the movie musical “Chicago”. I cannot imagine a more fit description of Barack Obama than as a razzle dazzler. Only a few weeks remain before his swearing in as President of the United States and no human being outside of his wife and a few associates can tell you who he is or what he intends to do. He’s all light and no substance.

There is great wonderment in the media as to how this magic man has somehow risen from the sewage of Chicago politics without getting any of its muck on himself; pure and clean as the driven snow and as fresh as a new mown lawn. How did he manage it?

Isn’t it strange how our media is so gullible that it simply assumes that he did manage it? With few exceptions they have fallen for the razzle dazzle like a lot of swooning teenage girls. Do they refuse to see the real man behind the glitter or is it simply not possible to do so? Personally I’m not blinded by the glitz but I am not quite able to see what kind of man really exists behind it either. He just has not left enough of a trail that we can follow to his core.

That was the main gimmick of the two Clintons as well. No one could ever or has ever determined what they stood for. And that was almost certainly because they stood for nothing but personal political advancement. Mr. Obama, on the other hand, imagines that he does stand for something. He has not shown us what it is that he stands for but it is something that feeds his fantastic ego. We need to get past his glorious aura and study what we know of the man so that we can understand who we’re dealing with. I believe the key to doing that is to examine his past associations and how he has dealt with them

Leading the news these days is Barack’s connection to Illinois/Chicago politics. It is important to understand that while all politics in Illinois these days mean Democrat politics that does not mean our politics are not factionalized. There are three primary factions; down state, Cook County and Chicago. When any of these two unite the third one becomes a political non-factor. At the moment, and for the foreseeable future, Chicago and Cook County are united for control of the entire state.

But there is more pressing faction within the alliance of Chicago and Cook County. This is one that the media dares not speak of or in any way suggest its existence. It is the black verses white contention. At the present time Cook County is in the hands of the black faction while Chicago is still in the hands of whites operating under heavy black pressure. Make of that what you will. I only mention it so that you will have an honest understanding of the political waters Obama has been navigating.

If Mr. O has loyalty to, or even affection for, any of these groups it would be to the black Democrats. As it is I am of the opinion that these groups have only been useful tools for his climb to power. His ultimate objectives lie elsewhere.

What about any connections he may have made with Chicago’s black gangs? Just part of his growing process. What about Rezko and other money connections? Milk ‘em dry and cut ‘em loose. Wright, Pflager, Farrakhan, Jackson? All of them are still useful and may play additional roles. They, like his Dem tools, think Obama is in their pockets. In his eyes they are all just useful idiots. He will use them and allow them to think he’s loyal to them for as long as it serves his purposes.

What I see behind the razzle dazzle is the young man who was abandoned by his ditzy socialist mother and raised by his equally frenetic socialist grandparents. I think it is his life’s ambition to bring their butterfly dreams to reality. The connections that matter most to Barack are the ones to Bill Ayers and the communist movement.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

posted on Dec 15, 2008 5:24 AM ()


Grew up in Cook County Chicago myself.
Waiting like everyone else......
It will take time to turn things around, all this has been happening for as long as I can remember, so ????????????
comment by anacoana on Dec 31, 2008 8:07 AM ()

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