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Mayday! Mayday!

Summer's coming back. And so are the sixties it seems.

In case you weren't around in the sixties (most of you weren't) it was a truly exciting time. We were in the middle of a crazy war that had insane war protesters to match. Had you been there you might have been witness to a "peacenik" blowing up his fellow citizens or seen college students gunned down on school campus. Environmentalism was aborning at that time and pharmacological experimentation was extremely popular. Historical figures were being assassinated on a regular basis and blacks were being attacked by police dogs and blasted by water cannon. Amidst all this madness, and so much more, American cities were burning. It was a time that Leftists look back on as a golden age of awakening.

I can't remember all of the inspirational wisdom of those times but much of it was compressed nicely into sound bites like "Turn on. Tune in. Drop out." "Never trust anyone over 30." Some of you might recall this sweet sentiment; "Kill the pig." "Black Power" was a very big one and "Burn baby burn" was the rallying cry for malcontents to set fire to our great cities.

If you happened to miss that time of wonder and enchantment - not to worry. You may soon find yourself in a maelstrom of even worse mayhem as the hoped for Messiah transforms into the anti-Christ and brings new hell to America.

The firewood is all laid out. We have a war that the media is branding as unjust and unwinnable. We have unruly, undirected, dissatisfied and unchallenged youth looking for ways to mark history with the uniqueness of their generation. (The frightening thing that indeed sets this generation apart from others is that many of it's members have been raised to see themselves as each a separate universe unto himself. The many recent high school and college mass murder/suicides bear this out.) The teaching of racial hatred and intolerance in our inner-cities has been ignored by media and the rest of society and left to seethe to its boiling point. All that is required now to set this kindling ablaze is dry, warm weather and a spark.

When Barack Obama first came on the political scene as a viable presidential candidate there was an immediate and popular attraction to his candidacy. He appeared to be charming, intelligent and inspirational. Until he opened his mouth and said the word "change" I myself glimpsed a momentary hope that he might be the cure for our country's racial ills. Alas, nothing could be further from the truth. Barack Obama is a common politician with an as yet undiscovered agenda.

If Mr Obama fails to ascend to the presidency we might never learn what he intended to do there and while that's probably a good thing politically it might also be the spark that sets America on fire again. Millions of racially indoctrinated blacks are standing by waiting for Whitey to deny them the presidential prize. And whether they win that prize or not there is going to be some kind of party afterward.

Maybe I'm overstating this case. Maybe there is something that can still be done to defuse this situation. The time is very, very short, however, and decades of damage done by the likes of Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson and scores of inner-city preachers of the Wright variety cannot be repaired in a few months. But we absolutely must try to end the ongoing inflammation of the problem.

The most important thing we can do at this time is to watch out for new terms sneaking into our vocabulary. Words will shape our perceptions if we allow them to. The most dangerous term being tossed around today is "The Black Church". This is an outrageously bigoted term. It was invented by racist hate mongers like Wright in order to force all Christian blacks to join "the struggle" - against their will or otherwise. If we permit black racists to finagle the term "The Black Church" into popular usage all Christian blacks will be painted with the viciously unChristian identity of inner-city "religion".

There are many more black Americans practicing genuine Christianity than there are rushing to these inner-city indoctrination centers that pose as churches. These good people will be ostracized in their own communities if we do not prevent the social popularization of that term. "The Black Church" is not yet a racist term. It is a classist term. It is black against black. Real Christians vs. those who would co-opt Christianity in the identical manner that Islamic terrorists have co-opted Islam. Because traditional Islamists did not sound off against the terrorists among them there is a growing tendency to see all Islamists as terrorists. If black radicals are able to create the perception that all Christian blacks are part of their movement they will have created a racial divide that cannot be repaired. Whites will be induced to see all blacks as racist.

Already real Christians in the black community are intimidated into silence. It's been years since I've seen a black Christian minister stand up and speak out against what is happening to the faith of his people. Largely this is because the media will not give these brave few a public platform. This has to end immediately. If mainstream media will not go out and find black Christians willing to speak out it is essential that at least the conservative media take on that role. Traditional black Christian leaders exist. I've seen them.

As yet there is no such thing as "The Black Church". It is just a racist concept trying to germinate. Speaking the words gives them life.

posted on May 1, 2008 8:15 AM ()


OK, the Right controls the body politic. I can take a joke.
comment by think141 on May 2, 2008 8:23 AM ()
Naturally there are technical differences between now and the 60's but the Leftist radical attitude has not changed one iota.
Didn't I see you on the Kent State campus awhile back?
comment by think141 on May 2, 2008 5:59 AM ()
This is not the sixties. During the primaries the Republicans made 1,000,000 Democratic votes disappear. Maybe, five citizens are speaking about this. Today, the Police are better equipped than combat troops in Iraq. Blackwater is the President's private force. The sixties draft inspired many young people to revolt. Forty years of brain washing have dummied down the population. The administration can wire tap anyone without a warrant. The mass media parrots the government line. The three branches of government are dysfunctional. Financed by the Chinese, the armed services conform to the old joke about the Chinese Marine Corps unable to plan a two-car funeral. Only Wal*Mart is hiring. Food is too precious to eat. Everybody hates Americans.
The Japanese are the world baseball champions.
I'll present the bad news later.
comment by bumpedoff on May 1, 2008 8:57 AM ()

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