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Politics & Legal > Fools Rush In

Fools Rush In

There's maybe 1 chance in 1.0000 that Rush Limbaugh will ever see this post but it must be said. It's time to stop "Operation Chaos".

You know and I know that 99% of the craziness going on in the Dem party is happening without any help from you (Google: Looney Tunes Blogster). The bigotry that the Dems have cultivated as their motive force in achieving power has gone predictably out of control. You didn't start this chaos and you can't stop it either. It will take its own course and your meddling will not effect the outcome of this election. But it might do something a lot worse.

The operation has been great fun. A lot of conservatives, for perhaps the first time in their lives, have felt the power that the democratic process was designed to give them thanks to your merry mischief. But now it's time for a reality check. Think back to the mad 60's and the bloody mess created by the Left at the 68 Dem convention. And remember, that happened when they had candidates they liked!

Rush, you know and I know that if the nation goes up in flames again and lives are lost this summer it will be because the Dem/Education/Media has cultivated a pervasive atmosphere of bigotry and discontent. What you are doing with Operation Chaos only feeds into whatever violence may be coming.

Here is the thing you must understand: In order for the Left to stoke itself into a frenzy of killing and destruction they need (A.) causes and (B.) villains. In the 60's the cause was the Viet Nam war and the villains were Nixon and Johnson. Today the Leftists have a buffet of causes; the fight in Iraq, racial hatred, a stolen candidacy and others. And the villains? Bush, Cheney, Fox News and you.

Yet there you sit, safely ensconced in the secret sanctuary of the EIB network, inciting the mob to action - making yourself a cause for violence. You know and I know that the sport you're having with Operation Chaos will not be the reason for anything that happens in the Dem's selection process. But you are also perfectly aware that no matter what the outcome millions of disaffected Leftists are going to go on the warpath and point you out as the icon of conservative evil and a justification for destructive behavior.

If we are to have a return of 60's madness it will come without any help from you. But the perception will be that Rush Limbaugh caused it and claims the credit for it. And you can be absolutely certain that the Dem/Media/Education cabal will promote your guilt as fact.

You are THE symbol of American conservatism. If you give these maniacs the power to claim that you caused the chaos that may occur this summer you will do irreparable harm to your country and our conservative principles. It's time we found out if you truly are a patriot. Give up this dangerous game. Do not allow yourself to become a tool of the Left.

posted on May 3, 2008 6:45 AM ()


Is there really a dime's worth of difference between Hillary and Obama??? For that matter, is McCain any different, or if so, by what minor degree from the two dumbocrats???? We the people in flyover country have been screwed over royally big-time, and like who in DC will really care????
comment by oldfatguy on May 3, 2008 9:03 AM ()
Good point nobullthinker...Rush's life is operation chaos, as an entertainer that's the only way he can stay on the radio. I hope he gets your message because you hit the nail directly on the head here...
comment by strider333 on May 3, 2008 9:00 AM ()

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